Ear Reshaping

The quest for facial symmetry and balance has led many to consider various cosmetic procedures. One such procedure that has seen a surge in demand is ear reshaping. This procedure aims to change the shape, position, or size of the ears, lending to a more balanced facial appearance.

After the global lockdowns throughout the pandemic, ear reshaping saw a sharp rise in popularity. In 2022, the demand for ear reshaping soared by 67%. This is partially down to mask wearing, which caused the ears to be more noticeable.

So, what is ear reshaping, and which type of procedure is most popular? Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know.

What are my ear reshaping options?

Ear reshaping, or otoplasty, can be carried out using various techniques depending on the specific concerns and aesthetic goals of the patient. Traditional otoplasty is typically used to correct overly prominent or protruding ears, creating a more subtle appearance. This involves repositioning or reshaping the ear cartilage through surgical techniques.

In some instances, patients might opt for ear reduction, a procedure aimed at reducing the overall size of the ears. Others may choose ear augmentation, beneficial for those with small or underdeveloped ears. For those concerned with the size or shape of their earlobes, lobe reduction or reshaping might be the right option.

For many younger patients, pinnaplasty is an ideal solution. Remember, each procedure carries its own set of risks and benefits, and a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon is crucial before deciding on the most suitable option.

What is pinnaplasty?

Pinnaplasty, a specific type of otoplasty, focuses mainly on correcting ears that noticeably stick out. The procedure is often performed on children aged five or older, but it can also benefit adults who are self-conscious about the appearance of their ears.

During a pinnaplasty, the surgeon makes small incisions at the back of the ears to access and reshape the cartilage. They may remove excess cartilage and skin, or use sutures to hold the cartilage back, bringing the ears closer to the head. Despite being a surgical procedure, pinnaplasty is generally carried out under local anaesthesia, with most patients able to return home the same day.

Why choose ear reshaping surgery?

Whether it’s the desire to correct prominent ears, address a congenital deformity, or simply enhance their appearance, the reasons for seeking surgery are varied.

Remember, the decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure should be carefully considered. It’s vital to have realistic expectations and to discuss all options and potential outcomes with a qualified professional.

Learn more about ear reshaping surgery and what to expect by booking a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock.

male surgeries

Last month, we looked at popular procedures reported in the BAAPS National 2022 Audit that are driving current surgery trends. While women are the main drivers of the boom in cosmetic surgery procedures, men are also driving demand.

While women still dominate the cosmetic surgery market, male procedures also experienced a boost, up 118% from 2021. So, what were the most popular male surgeries?

Why surgeries are proving so popular with men

Although the BAAPS National audit showed a surge in demand for male procedures in the UK, there was a similar boost in male surgeries reported in the US. Many men are seeking procedures to help address aesthetic issues caused by body changes after becoming a parent. The ‘daddy-do-over’, will address a range of concerns caused by changes in diet or routine, as the ‘mummy makeover’ will for women.

There is also less stigma for men undergoing cosmetic surgeries than there once was. Male celebrities and influencers are revealing their procedures, inspiring other men to achieve the same results. Additionally, they seek the same feelings of comfort and body confidence that women achieve from cosmetic procedures.

Which male surgeries are popular?

Accounting for 7% of the total number of procedures carried out in 2022, here’s the surgeries men are opting to undergo:

Rhinoplasty: Commonly known as a ‘nose job’, rhinoplasty in men is up by 45%. The procedure reshapes the nose to improve its proportion and appearance, in relation to other facial features.

Chest Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery): This procedure targets excessive breast tissue in men, creating a flatter and more masculine chest contour. Its growing popularity is down to the increased confidence and comfort it provides, allowing men to feel more at ease in various clothing and social situations. Demand for the procedure has risen by 158%.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): Like its popularity among women, eyelid surgery is also appealing for men due to the rejuvenated and more alert appearance it provides. The surgery is up 105% in male patients.

Liposuction: As with women, liposuction for men aims to remove localised fat deposits from specific body areas, such as the abdomen. There has been a 150% increase in the number of men undergoing this procedure.

Ear Correction (Otoplasty): Aiming to correct protruding or misshapen ears, this procedure is up 72%. It works by reshaping the cartilage and repositioning the ears closer to the head.

Book a consultation

If you are interested in any of the male cosmetic procedures mentioned in this article, or are looking to address any other cosmetic concerns, book an appointment with leading cosmetic surgeon Mr Nigel Horlock. He can answer any questions you may have, including what to expect after surgery, and when you can return to work or resume physical activity.

Autologous Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has remained one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for decades. However, the way in which it is performed has changed significantly in recent years. Advancements in the procedure have given patients more choice than ever before, with autologous breast augmentation proving particularly popular.

So, what is autologous breast augmentation and what are the pros and cons of the procedure? Find out everything you need to know in this blog post.

What is autologous breast augmentation?

Also referred to as fat grafting, autologous fat transfer is one of the newest techniques introduced on the market. It involves injecting fat into the breasts that has been taken from different body parts via liposuction. The fat is then spun in a special machine to separate it from blood and fluids, before being injected into the breast region.

During the procedure, tiny incisions are made in the skin of the buttocks, thighs, or abdomen. A cannula is then inserted to gently remove the fat without causing damage. The incisions are closed with sutures, and a dressing is applied to safeguard the healing area.

The volume of fat used will depend on the extent of reconstruction required, with the entire process typically taking about two hours to finish.

The pros of fat transfer to the breast

The main benefits of the fat transfer procedure include:

  • No need for an implant
  • Minimally invasive
  • Fewer complications
  • High result satisfaction

During the procedure fat is extracted from another part of the body and injected into the breasts. There is no need for an implant, which means the breasts end up looking and feeling more natural. The fact that only small incisions, just 4 millimetres in size, are needed for the removal and re-injection of the fat is also a major benefit.

Fat grafting also has fewer complications than implant surgery, and a reduced likelihood of patients requiring additional operations. Case reviews indicate that most patients and their doctors are satisfied with the outcomes.

What are the downsides of autologous breast augmentation?

While there are more pros than cons of autologous breast augmentation, the main things to be aware of include:

  • There is no standardised approach
  • Cup restrictions
  • Can only address mild sagging

As there isn’t a standardised approach, it is crucial to choose a surgeon with experience in the procedure. You also need to understand that there are restrictions in the increase in cup size. The procedure can only typically increase cup size by one.

Other potential downsides include its inability to lift severely sagging breasts, potential complications in breast cancer detection, and the possibility of not having enough excess fat for the procedure. The limited blood supply in the breast dictates the amount of fat that can be injected. If too much fat is introduced, it may be reabsorbed, causing breast size to decrease or the fat to harden.

These are the main pros and cons of undergoing autologous breast augmentation. To learn more about the procedure or determine if it is right for you, book a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock today.

cosmetic surgeries

According to figures released in the BAAPS National Audit, the number of cosmetic procedures carried out in 2022 saw a massive 102% rise.

So, what’s driving the larger than expected increase, and which procedures are proving most popular?

What is driving the boom in cosmetic procedures?

Despite economic challenges and lower consumer spending, the cosmetic surgery industry has experienced a high surge in demand. Figures from the latest annual audit suggest people are opting for treatments known for safety, long-lasting, and natural results. Cosmetic surgery, performed by certified plastic surgeons, offers both psychological and physical benefits.

Social media, especially Instagram, has also increased public awareness of plastic surgery through digital word of mouth, showcasing real-life transformative effects on well-being.

What are the most popular cosmetic surgeries?

While cosmetic surgery has seen a general resurgence in demand, certain procedures have proven to be more popular than others. The most popular procedures include:

Breast Augmentation: Enhancing the size and shape of the breasts remains a key priority for patients. Seeing a 66% rise over the past year, breast augmentation is still the top choice down to its ability to increase self-confidence and improve body proportions.

Breast Reduction: Contrary to augmentation, this procedure decreases the size of the breasts by removing excess tissue, fat, and skin. Surgeons have seen a whopping 120% increase in demand for breast reductions since 2021.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): With an increase of 130%, this procedure tightens and reshapes the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat, restoring weakened abdominal muscles. Its popularity is often attributed to the desire for a flatter, firmer midsection, especially following significant weight loss or pregnancy.

Liposuction: This procedure helps to create a more contoured and toned appearance. Its popularity, up 134%, is driven by the desire to eliminate stubborn fat that does not respond to diet and exercise.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): Addressing the sagging or drooping of eyelids is also a key priority for patients. The procedure removes excess skin, muscle, and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. Its popularity, up 70%, is down to the rejuvenating effect it has on the face. Patients can achieve a more refreshed, alert, and youthful look.

Seek advice from an experienced surgeon

While cosmetic surgery is a great way to boost confidence and improve physical appearance, patients should take care when choosing a surgeon. All cosmetic procedures carry some level of risk, making it crucial to choose an experienced and renowned surgeon.

If you are interested in any of the cosmetic procedures mentioned, book an appointment with leading cosmetic surgeon Mr Nigel Horlock.

after blepharoplasty

Like any surgery, eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, requires a certain level of downtime to aid in healing. Although the surgery is focused on the eye area, excessive movement of any form could potentially hinder the recovery process.

To ensure the best outcome of your blepharoplasty, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon. This includes knowing when you can get back into exercise.

The importance of easing yourself back into exercise

During blepharoplasty, surplus skin is removed to address drooping eyelids and minimise the appearance of bags under the eyes. The incisions are then sealed with sutures in a region where the skin is fragile and thin. For a time after the procedure, the area may be bruised, swollen, and inflamed.

Intense motion, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise can result in increased inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. These factors not only prolong the recovery period but can also cause bruising and scarring. Sutures are generally taken out around 6-7 days post-surgery, when the incisions are most susceptible. If you exercise too soon, the incisions may break open, requiring additional corrective surgery.

Following eyelid surgery, it is crucial to allow your body sufficient time to recuperate before resuming activities such as swimming, yoga inversions, or engaging in moderate to high-intensity exercises.

How long should I wait before I exercise?

Individual healing rates vary, and the duration of your recovery will be influenced by factors such as your pre-surgery fitness level, genetic makeup, the type of blepharoplasty procedure performed (upper, lower, or both), and how closely you follow postoperative guidelines.

In the first three days following a blepharoplasty procedure, your eyes will be swollen and sensitive. During this phase, gentle movement is advised to promote blood flow and facilitate healing. However, excessive motion can be harmful.

By the two-week mark, most patients can gradually reintroduce daily exercise routines. After three weeks, you can start to gradually increase the duration or intensity of your workouts, remembering to take breaks and slow down or stop if you experience any discomfort.

After a month, you can typically incorporate yoga inversions, weightlifting at 60-80% capacity, and medium-impact exercises. Between six to eight weeks after the procedure, most patients find they can return to their pre-surgery fitness regimens.

Exercises to avoid after blepharoplasty

There are certain types of exercises you’ll want to avoid for a set amount of time after a blepharoplasty procedure. For example, swimming should be postponed until your incisions have completely healed.

Steer clear of road cycling too until you are fully recovered, as controlling the intensity can be challenging and may raise the risk of injury. Instead, consider stationary cycling after two weeks, while maintaining low to moderate effort.

Refrain from moderate to heavy lifting until at least four weeks following your eyelid surgery. When resuming lifting, choose lighter weights and prevent straining.

Although zero-impact cardio can be resumed two weeks post-blepharoplasty, it is recommended to avoid strenuous or low to moderate-impact cardio until after 3-4 weeks. Start slowly and incrementally increase intensity over time.

While yoga and Pilates are often perceived as gentle exercises, they may involve strengthening movements that cause strain within the body. Both practices also include postures that position the head below the heart, which should be avoided for at least one month after the surgery.

These are some of the main guidelines to follow when it comes to exercising after blepharoplasty. However, it’s important to follow the specific guidelines given to you by Mr Horlock after the procedure.


Breast Reduction Procedure

A breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery technique designed to reduce the size of the breasts.

Many women struggle with excessively large breasts, which can lead to physical discomfort, as well as issues with confidence. A breast reduction can greatly help to improve quality of life and has one of the highest satisfaction scores of any procedure.

So, what exactly is a breast reduction, and what can you expect when you book the procedure with Mr Horlock? Discover everything you need to know in this useful blog.

What is a breast reduction procedure?

Breast reduction surgery is carried out using general anaesthesia and can take anywhere from one to three hours to complete. Various surgical methods exist for reducing the size of the breasts. These include the removal of surplus skin and fat, as well as the reshaping of your breasts and the repositioning of the nipples. A breast reduction can also address unevenness or imbalance between your breasts.

Each technique leads to scarring around the areola (the pigmented region surrounding the nipple) and may cause additional scarring. The optimal approach will be determined through a consultation with your surgeon.

Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?

As with any cosmetic surgery, certain factors determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Generally, those who are in good health, maintain realistic expectations, and are non-smokers make excellent candidates for a breast reduction.

Any woman with excessively large, sagging breasts can be considered for breast reduction. While there are no stringent limitations, various techniques for the procedure may be employed based on a person’s unique anatomy.

What should I ask during my consultation?

With any surgical procedure, it is essential for patients to ask questions before the scheduled surgery date. During your initial consultation, come prepared with a list of questions for your surgeon such as:

  • Are you board certified?
  • Can I see before and after pictures of procedures you have carried out?
  • What are the risks and complications of a breast reduction?
  • What can I expect from the recovery process?

By asking as many questions as possible, it helps to prepare you for the procedure, and also determine if it is right for you.

Do I need to prepare for a breast reduction?

If you want the breast reduction surgery to be a success, there are various things you can do to prepare. Most importantly, you’ll want to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise.

If you have specific health issues, such as diabetes, you should also strive to manage them before going under the knife. Most surgeries involving anaesthesia require patients to quit smoking at least one month before and after the procedure.

General guidelines also include modifying or taking specific medications and abstaining from aspirin, certain herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs, as they may contribute to increased bleeding.

Your cosmetic surgeon will address these matters and provide further guidance before your surgery. To determine if a breast reduction is suitable for you, book a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock today.

After a Boob Job

Understandably, patients have a variety of questions when they consider undergoing breast augmentation. As well as the ins and outs of the procedure, a common question we get asked is whether you can exercise after a boob job.

In this blog, you’ll discover everything you need to know about exercising after a breast operation including whether you need to take a break, and the types of exercises you should avoid.

Will I need to take a break from exercising?

After undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to take care of your body during the recovery process. While it’s generally safe to engage in light walking, such as taking short walks around the house, you’ll want to avoid heavy exercise for a few weeks until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead.

Light walking is not only safe, but it’s encouraged as it can help to prevent blood clots. So, while you might need to take it easy when it comes to your exercise routine, don’t underestimate the benefits of simply getting up and moving around a bit to aid in your recovery.

Can I still exercise with implants?

If you’re worried that breast implants might limit your ability to stay active, don’t be. One of the great things about breast augmentation is that it doesn’t have to hold you back from doing the things you love. In fact, your surgeon will likely encourage you to maintain an active lifestyle after your surgery to help with your recovery.

During your consultation, you’ll need to discuss your lifestyle and exercise habits with your surgeon. This will help them determine the best type of implant and placement for you, as well as any precautions you should take when exercising post-surgery. It’s important to wear a supportive sports bra when exercising after a boob job, and to get clearance from your surgeon before trying a new activity.

It’s also worth noting that some women may experience changes in breast size or shape if they lose weight when they begin exercising again. However, breast implants themselves are not affected by changes in weight, meaning they can be an excellent option for restoring volume and shape to the breasts after weight loss.

What exercises should I avoid?

While you can resume very light exercise after the procedure, you’ll need to take it easy for a period of two to four weeks to allow the body to fully recover. If you are unsure, follow your surgeon’s advice.

Patience is key when it comes to post-surgery recovery. It’s important to wait until your body has fully healed before returning to the gym or engaging in any other strenuous activities. Going back to the gym too soon can lead to complications that can negatively impact your results and overall health.

Since implants are placed beneath or above the chest muscle, any exercise that puts pressure on your chest or back should be avoided. This includes exercises that target the chest and shoulders, as well as weightlifting or other activities that involve heavy lifting. Overexerting yourself too soon after surgery can lead to complications such as implant shifting, swelling, or even implant rupture.

To ensure the best possible results and minimise the risk of complications, it’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully. Always consult with them before resuming exercise to ensure that it is safe to do so.

By taking the necessary precautions and giving your body the time it needs to heal properly, you can help to ensure a successful and smooth recovery.

Blepharoplasty for Men

Each year, millions of men and women choose to undergo blepharoplasty, commonly referred to as eyelid surgery. However, despite its popularity, many people have no idea what it involves or why it is carried out.

If you’re wondering what blepharoplasty is and why it’s so popular, you can find out everything you need to know in today’s blog post.

What is blepharoplasty?

The eyes are often considered one of the most important features of a person’s face. That is why many people choose to undergo eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery to enhance their appearance. This delicate and complex procedure can create a dramatic improvement in the look of the eyes, as well as the overall appearance of the face.

There are two main types of blepharoplasty surgery: upper and lower. Upper blepharoplasty involves carefully removing excess skin and tissue from the upper eyelid through a small incision in the crease of the eyelid. This is an ideal solution for patients with droopy or sagging upper eyelids, which can create a tired or aged appearance.

In contrast, lower blepharoplasty is primarily used to address the appearance of under-eye bags or puffiness. This surgical technique involves a precise incision along the lower lash line, through which the surgeon can remove excess fat and tissue for a more youthful, smooth look.

By addressing the specific concerns of each patient, eyelid lift surgery can help to restore a more youthful, refreshed look to the eyes and face overall.

Why do men and women choose to undergo eyelid surgery?

There are a variety of reasons why patients choose to undergo blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. Although the procedure is popular for cosmetic reasons, such as improving appearance and boosting confidence, there are also functional benefits. Eyelid surgery can correct drooping eyelids that obstruct the field of vision. Also, it can be performed on one side in order to correct asymmetry.

Some of the most common reasons patients choose to get eyelid surgery include:

  • To improve vision
  • To fix saggy eyelids
  • To remove puffy under eye bags
  • To improve results of another procedure
  • To restore the eyelid crease
  • To look more youthful
  • To improve dark circles under the eyes

Eyelid surgery is also one of the safest procedures you can undergo, resulting in minimal risks and complications.

What results can I expect from the procedure?

Immediately after the surgery, your eyelids may be red and puffy. However, any swelling and bruising should disappear within a week. You may also have blurry vision for a few days, this is completely normal.

Results should be visible after 4-6 weeks and will depend upon various factors. The surgeon will give you a good idea of what to expect during your consultation.

The popularity of blepharoplasty can be attributed to the significant benefits it offers to patients. The procedure is minimally invasive and has a relatively short recovery period. Certainly, it’s an option for those looking to enhance their appearance without undergoing extensive surgery.

If you are considering blepharoplasty, it is important to seek the guidance of a highly skilled and experienced surgeon. Mr. Nigel Horlock is a leading cosmetic surgeon with extensive experience in the procedure. Book a consultation today to determine if blepharoplasty could be an ideal treatment option for you.

Eyelid concerns

Blepharoplasty has become a popular choice for patients in recent years. This precise procedure can enhance not only the appearance of the eyelids, but also improve their function.

From smoothing wrinkles and removing excess skin, to improving vision, blepharoplasty offers a multitude of benefits. In this blog we will look at some of the top eyelid concerns that the procedure can fix, and why it’s important to choose a skilled surgeon.

What eyelid concerns can blepharoplasty fix?

Blepharoplasty can fix a wide range of eye-related issues. Here’s a rundown of some of the most popular problems the procedure can address…

Droopy eyelid concerns

One of the main goals of eyelid surgery is to correct droopy eyelids. Not only can droopy eyelids cause you to look older, but they can also cause issues with your range of vision. The procedure helps to correct the problem by eliminating excess skin and fat that is gathered in the upper or lower eyelid.

Persistent eye bags

If you have persistent eye bags that aren’t caused by a lack of sleep, blepharoplasty may help. It achieves a more youthful appearance, giving the eyes a brighter, wider effect. To eliminate puffy or visible bags, the surgeon focuses on fixing the lower eyelid area.

Wrinkles and fine lines

The eyes are often one of the first places to develop fine lines and wrinkles. This is down to how thin and sensitive the skin is in that area. Having blepharoplasty can help to smoothen out the entire area around the eyes, successfully eliminating lines and wrinkles.

These are just a few of the most common problems the procedure can fix. It can also work just as effectively as a facelift for helping you to look younger.

The importance of choosing a skilled surgeon

While there are clear benefits of undergoing blepharoplasty and it is a common procedure, the surgery itself is quite complex. There are many things that can go wrong, particularly if you choose an inexperienced surgeon. Just some of the potential problems you might face include:

  • Not being able to close your eyes properly after the surgery
  • The surgeon has removed too much fat
  • Your lower lid is left in the wrong place
  • Your eyes look uneven

If you want to achieve the best results and minimise the risk of complications, always choose a skilled and experienced surgeon.

My Nigel Horlock has carried out hundreds of blepharoplasty procedures. He will be able to advise you of the risks, and help you get the best results from the surgery. When done correctly, eyelid surgery can help you to regain your confidence, and achieve a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing look.

Better Cosmetic Results

Want to get the best results from your cosmetic procedure? It all starts with making sure you are fit and healthy.

Setting yourself health goals prior to going under the knife can help to reduce the risks, aid in recovery, and enhance your results. It is also a prerequisite for certain types of surgeries that you have a healthy BMI.

Here, we look at why getting healthier matters, and the types of health goals you should set to ensure you achieve the best cosmetic results.

Why is it important to get healthy before undergoing cosmetic surgery?

There are several reasons why it’s important to get healthy before undergoing cosmetic surgery. Healthy individuals have lower risks of complications during and after surgery, benefit from a quicker recovery, and experience better outcomes.

Pre-existing health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can also affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications, making it important to address those before going under the knife.

If you do experience any complications, it may hamper your results, as well as put you at risk of serious health issues.

Which procedures require a healthy BMI?

Certain types of surgeries require you to be healthier than others. For example, liposuction and tummy tuck procedures will produce the best results in those with a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index).

Liposuction is often mistaken as a procedure to help patients lose weight. However, it is used solely as a body contour procedure. This means that while it can remove small, stubborn pockets of fat, patients are advised to be close to their ideal weight before going under the knife.

Similarly, a tummy tuck procedure can also remove stubborn pockets of fat. However, the main reason patients are advised to be at a healthy weight is because it is such an extensive procedure. The recovery for a tummy tuck, unless you undergo the mini version, is quite lengthy. So, anything that reduces the risk of complications is highly recommended.

What health goals should you set yourself before surgery?

If you are planning on having cosmetic surgery later this year, there are some health goals you should work towards. These include:

  • Getting to a healthy weight
  • Quitting smoking
  • Cutting back on alcohol consumption
  • Getting any pre-existing conditions under control

The fitter and healthier you are, the less risky the surgery will be. You are also more likely to achieve your desired results.

If you aren’t sure what health goals you should be working towards, book a consultation with Mr Horlock. He will carry out an assessment and provide recommendations based upon the type of procedure you want to undergo.