Enlarged breasts are one of the most common concerns for male patients. Causing a great deal of embarrassment, men who suffer from an overdeveloped chest area often avoid social situations and certain types of clothing.
Enlarged breasts are one of the most common concerns for male patients. Causing a great deal of embarrassment, men who suffer from an overdeveloped chest area often avoid social situations and certain types of clothing.
Enlarged breasts are one of the most common concerns for male patients. Causing a great deal of embarrassment, men who suffer from an overdeveloped chest area often avoid social situations and certain types of clothing.
Medically referred to as gynaecomastia, male breast reduction can help to eliminate the problem. It is seeing a rise in popularity and the procedure itself is straightforward. Mr Horlock has extensive experience carrying out male breast reduction procedures, helping hundreds of men regain their self-confidence.
Below you will find a brief overview of the procedure and what it involves.
+ What is a male breast reduction?
A male breast reduction is used to treat gynaecomastia. There are a couple of different methods which can be used that will be dependent upon the severity and type of gynaecomastia experienced.
True gynaecomastia is caused by a build-up of excess glandular tissue. This is generally caused by fluctuations in hormone levels. Pseudo-gynaecomastia, on the other hand, is caused by excess fat, typically triggered by weight gain.
If you are experiencing pseudo-gynaecomastia, liposuction may be enough to resolve the problem. However, for true-gynaecomastia, surgery will be required. An incision will be made at the base of the areola, before a section of glandular tissue is removed. To achieve best results, liposuction may also be used alongside the surgery.
The procedure can be applied to the torso and anterior chest. It is carried out under general anaesthetic.
+ Am I an ideal candidate?
Most men who have enlarged breasts would be suitable for male breast reduction. However, if you are overweight, you should first try to lose the weight before undergoing the procedure. This is because sometimes losing weight will rectify the problem by itself.
If you have lost weight and diet and exercise isn’t helping, a male breast reduction would be an ideal option.
+ What results can I expect from a male breast reduction?
After undergoing the procedure, you will see immediate results. They could last a lifetime depending upon the lifestyle you lead. If you were to gain a lot of weight, the problem may reappear. In some cases, true gynaecomastia can also re-occur so further treatment may be required.
+ What is the recovery like after a gynaecomastia procedure?
You will be able to return home the same day and you are encouraged to remain mobile depending upon your level of discomfort. Pain medication can be prescribed if needed. You can shower within 24 to 48 hours afterwards, though you should hold off from driving and other daily activities for up to 14 days. You will also need to wait up to six weeks to return to exercise. If you partake in contact sports, these will need to be avoided for up to three months.
It takes around three to six months to see the full results of the surgery due to swelling. Patients will also need to wear an elasticated compression garment for six weeks. This reduces the risk of oedema and can improve the shape of the chest after surgery. It is important to wear this compression garment continuously for the full six-week period.
+ What are the risks and complications?
Male breast reduction is a straightforward and relatively safe procedure. However, the risks and complications to be aware of include:
The likelihood of experiencing these issues is low but it is still worth discussing them with the surgeon. During your consultation, Mr Horlock will talk through the complications and risks that apply to you. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns you might have.
To book a consultation, fill out the short form below. We will get back to you as quickly as possible with an appropriate date and time to suit you.
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