
Liposuction remains one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures. It’s not a quick-fix weight loss solution, but it will refine and sculpt the body’s contours. This procedure can act as a catalyst for adopting a healthier lifestyle, encouraging habits that maintain the achieved aesthetic results.

Let’s explore how liposuction can motivate you towards a healthier path. Also, we address the realistic expectations you should have going into the procedure.

How much fat does liposuction remove?

The approach to liposuction has evolved significantly since its inception. Modern techniques focus on sculpting the body by removing small, targeted fat deposits, rather than attempting large-scale fat extraction.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) recommends that no more than 3 litres of fat should be removed in a single session. However, further liposuction may be carried out in the same area after six months. This guideline ensures patient safety as extracting more than the recommended levels in one session can disrupt the body’s electrolyte balance, potentially leading to severe health issues such as cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and low blood pressure.

Understanding the limits of liposuction

It’s crucial to recognise that liposuction is designed for body contouring rather than significant weight loss.

While the changes can significantly improve your silhouette and improve body proportion, they do not equate to the dramatic weight loss some might expect. It is best suited for those close to their ideal body weight who want to eliminate stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise.

It is important to understand that the appearance of areas that have received liposuction will still be affected by ageing, pregnancy and weight fluctuations. While future procedures can help maintain the results, so will continuing with a healthy lifestyle after surgery.

Kick start healthy habits

Liposuction should be viewed as a stepping stone to a healthier and more active lifestyle. The procedure can provide the initial boost and motivation needed to maintain a more contoured and defined physique.

After the procedure, adopting a balanced diet, partaking in regular exercise, and leading a healthy lifestyle will sustain the results. This transition can often be a powerful motivator for those looking to take better care of their bodies, leading to long-term weight loss and improved health.

The visual improvements after liposuction can also serve as a constant reminder of the importance of maintaining these new healthy habits.

If you are contemplating liposuction, schedule a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock. He will help you set realistic expectations for your liposuction results. Furthermore, he can provide advice on how to achieve and maintain your desired weight loss and body contouring goals.

With the right approach and expert guidance, liposuction can be more than just a cosmetic procedure; it can be the beginning of a healthier, more active lifestyle.


Cosmetic surgeries

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has released its annual figures, revealing cosmetic surgery procedures were down 16% in 2023 from the previous year.

This follows the biggest year-on-year increase reported in 2022, that was put down to a peak in demand post-pandemic. But the popularity of certain procedures has remained consistent.

Here we’ll explore the most popular procedures in 2023.

Top 3 cosmetic surgeries for women

Women were the driving force, representing 93% of all cosmetic procedures in 2023. Here are the three most popular surgeries they underwent, in fact the same as in 2022:

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, commonly known as a boob job, involves using breast implants to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure is sought after by those looking to increase their breast size, achieve a more rounded shape, or restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.

Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery is performed to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin, aiming to achieve a breast size in proportion with the body. It can also help alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Abdominoplasty involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightening the underlying muscles. This procedure is popular among those looking to refine their contours and achieve a firmer abdominal profile, often after significant weight loss or pregnancy. It was up 10% in the male cosmetic surgeries list (at no.6), the only surgery to report an increase among men!

Top 3 cosmetic surgeries for men

Though men accounted for just 7% of cosmetic surgeries in 2023, there was a steady demand for the top requested surgery, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping surgery) compared with the previous year.

Here are the top surgeries men opted for:


Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing, or both. The procedure can alter the nose’s size, shape, or proportions. It has proven popular for men seeking aesthetic and functional improvements.


Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is performed to improve the appearance of the eyelids, addressing issues like drooping eyelids and under-eye bags. It can even produce anti-aging benefits, making it a minimally invasive alternative to a facelift. (This was just outside the top 3 women’s surgeries, moving up a spot year on year).

Chest reduction

Chest reduction, or gynecomastia surgery, targets the reduction of breast tissue in men. It’s sought by those looking to achieve a flatter, more traditionally masculine chest contour, reflecting a significant rise in men’s focus on body image.

If you’re considering enhancing your appearance through cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a trusted professional. Schedule an appointment with BAAPS member, Mr Nigel Horlock, to explore your options. He’ll help with a personalised plan to achieve your aesthetic goals safely and effectively.

rejuvenate the eyes

The eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul, but they can also be the first area to show signs of ageing. Drooping eyelids, bags under the eyes, and wrinkles can make you look more tired and older than you feel.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure designed to rejuvenate the eye area, making you look more rested and youthful. Here we’ll explore what blepharoplasty is, its benefits, and when a different solution may be needed.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids, or both. Whether you’re experiencing sagging eyelids that impair your vision, or bags under your eyes that no amount of concealer can hide, blepharoplasty can offer a solution.

The procedure involves removing or repositioning excess tissue and fat and tightening the skin around the eyes. The result is a more alert and refreshed appearance.

How does it rejuvenate the eyes?

There are many ways that blepharoplasty can leave the eye area looking more rejuvenated. Let’s explore some of its key benefits:

Reduced bags under the eyes: Lower eyelid surgery addresses the puffiness and bags under the eyes that contribute to a tired appearance, regardless of how well-rested you are.

Smoothed wrinkles: While primarily focused on the removal of excess skin and fat, the tightening effect of blepharoplasty can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It can particularly help reduce the appearance of ‘crow’s feet’ at the outer corners.

Refreshed appearance: Beyond the physical improvements, blepharoplasty can boost self-confidence. Looking in the mirror and seeing a more youthful, energised reflection can have a profound impact on how you feel about yourself.

When a brow lift may be more suitable

While blepharoplasty offers significant benefits for eye rejuvenation, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. In cases where the brow has descended significantly, causing a hooded appearance over the eyes, a brow lift may be more appropriate.

This procedure raises the eyebrows to a more youthful position, reducing the appearance of sagging and improving the overall look of the upper face. A brow lift can be performed alone or in conjunction with blepharoplasty for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

A brow lift addresses the position of the eyebrows and the smoothness of the forehead, while blepharoplasty focuses on the eyelids themselves. For those who have issues with both the eyelids and the position of their brows, combining these procedures can achieve a more dramatic, yet natural-looking, rejuvenation.

If you’re considering eyelid surgery or any facial rejuvenation procedure, consulting with a qualified surgeon like Mr Nigel Horlock is essential. Together, you can discuss your concerns, explore your options, and decide whether blepharoplasty or perhaps a brow lift is the right choice for you.

menopause makeover

Menopause doesn’t just mark the end of your menstrual cycle; it can also trigger a lot of changes within the body. As well as those dreaded mood swings, hormonal fluctuations can lead to physical changes such as weight gain, altered body shape, and changes in skin and tissue elasticity. These changes can affect both your appearance and self-esteem.

Fortunately, cosmetic surgery offers several procedures that can help address these issues, contributing to what many are calling a ‘Menopause Makeover’.

Here, discover the different procedures that are carried out in a Menopause Makeover and how they can help restore your looks and your confidence.

Tummy Tuck – for your midsection

During menopause, hormonal changes can lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. The redistribution of fat, combined with a natural loss of skin elasticity, can result in a sagging midsection that’s hard to tackle with diet and exercise alone.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. This procedure can significantly flatten and shape the midsection, offering a more youthful and contoured silhouette.

Breast Lift – providing a youthful lift

The hormonal shifts of menopause can affect the volume and elasticity of breast tissue, leading to sagging. A breast lift, or mastopexy, raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

The nipple and areola can also be repositioned or resized to further improve the appearance of the breasts.

Liposuction – for a more sculpted look

Menopause can make it more difficult to maintain a stable weight. You may notice increased fat deposits in areas like the hips, thighs, and abdomen, despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Liposuction sculpts the body by removing unwanted fat, reshaping these areas into a more desired contour. It’s not a weight-loss solution but rather a way to address fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.

The result is a more sculpted appearance, highlighting the natural curves and leaner physique that many women seek post-menopause.

Fat Transfer – replacing lost volume

The hormonal changes that come with the menopause may cause you to experience a loss of facial volume, leading to a more aged appearance. This volume loss can make the face look tired or drawn.

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, removes fat from one part of the body via liposuction. It is then purified, and injected into another area that requires added volume such as the face or the breasts.

This procedure not only adds volume, but also can improve skin texture and tone due to the stem cells present in the fat. You’re left with a more youthful, refreshed appearance, softening of wrinkles, and restored volume.

The transition through menopause doesn’t have to mean settling for a body that doesn’t feel like your own. With a menopause makeover it’s possible to address the physical changes and emerge feeling rejuvenated.

Considering a Menopause Makeover? Schedule an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock today. Whether you’re looking to tighten up your midsection or replace lost volume, there’s an option to address your concerns and help you feel vibrant and youthful.

Surgical tourism

The temptation of lower costs and immediate availability has seen an increasing number of people choosing to get cosmetic surgery abroad. However, new data from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has revealed the stark dangers of surgical tourism. There has been a significant rise in complications from overseas procedures, making it crucial to understand the risks involved.

Here, we’ll explore the latest figures released by the BAAPS, and the risks of heading abroad for cosmetic procedures.

Concerning surgical tourism figures from BAAPS

According to recent BAAPS data, there has been a staggering 94% increase over the past three years in those needing hospital treatment after undergoing cosmetic surgery abroad.

These complications aren’t minor either. They range from problematic wound healing to life-threatening conditions like sepsis. In extreme cases, patients have required multiple emergency surgeries and intensive care treatment.

The data also revealed that 78% of corrective surgeries performed after patients returned to the UK were for procedures carried out in Turkey. Some patients even returned with multi-resistant bacteria, posing a threat not only to themselves, but potentially to others too.

The risks of going abroad for cosmetic procedures

Choosing to have cosmetic surgery in another country is riskier than you might think. Here’s some of the main risks you need to consider:

Lack of pre and post-operative support

When you undergo any cosmetic procedure abroad there is a lack of pre, and postoperative care provided. Many patients find that essential pre-consultations, which assess suitability and outline the risks of the procedure, are either inadequate or non-existent.

Postoperative care, crucial for monitoring recovery and addressing any emerging complications, is also limited or completely absent. This lack of support can significantly compromise the safety and success of the procedure.

Not meeting expectations

There are instances where the actual procedures performed abroad differ from what patients were expecting. This could be due to misunderstandings, lack of clear communication, or even unethical practices.

Not only can this lead to psychological distress, but it can also result in physical complications.

Lower standards of regulation

The regulatory standards for cosmetic surgery can vary widely between countries. In some places, the regulations are not as stringent as in the UK, with procedures being performed by less experienced surgeons.

This variation in standards can significantly increase the risk of complications and substandard outcomes.

Risk of long-distance travel after surgery

Long-distance travel is typically advised against after you undergo any type of surgery. There are various risks of travelling by air not long after undergoing a procedure, including deep vein thrombosis and other serious blood clots.

While the lower costs of cosmetic surgery abroad can be enticing, the risks often far outweigh the benefits. Before considering travelling to have work done, it’s crucial to consult with experienced UK surgeons like Mr Nigel Horlock.

These consultations can help you understand the risks involved and offer a safer, regulated, and quality experience.

Capsular contracture

When it comes to breast implants, one concern patients often have is capsular contracture. While it isn’t a common problem, there is a small risk it can occur when you undergo breast augmentation.

Understanding what capsular contracture is, how to prevent it, and the available treatment options is important. Whether you’re planning on getting breast implants, or if you’ve had a breast augmentation procedure and you’re worried about capsular contracture, read on to learn everything you need to know.

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is the body’s response to foreign objects, in this case, breast implants.

After implantation, the body naturally forms a protective lining around the implant, known as a capsule. This is a standard and healthy response. However, in capsular contracture, this capsule tightens and squeezes the implant, leading to various degrees of firmness, discomfort, and aesthetic changes to the breast’s appearance.

The severity of capsular contracture is categorised into four grades, commonly referred to as Baker Grades. Grade I is the mildest form, where the breast appears normal, and the capsule is flexible. Grade II involves a little firmness but still looks normal. Grade III is more severe with noticeable firmness and distortion. The most severe, Grade IV, not only includes significant firmness and distortion but also pain and tenderness.

The causes are not entirely understood, but are believed to involve factors like bacterial contamination, hematoma, and genetic predisposition.

How to prevent capsular contracture

Preventing capsular contracture begins with the choices made prior to the breast implant surgery. One of the most critical factors is choosing an experienced and qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Experienced surgeons are well-versed in the latest techniques and preventive measures that reduce the risk of capsular contracture. They can guide patients in choosing the right type and size of implants, considering their unique body type and health.

As well as the choice of surgeon, there are other preventive measures you can follow. These include the selection of implant type and texture and the placement of the implant (above or below the muscle). The use of certain surgical techniques that minimise the risk of bacterial contamination is also a factor. Each of these can be discussed with your surgeon.

Patients are also advised to follow post-operative care instructions meticulously, as proper healing plays a crucial role in prevention.

Treatment options

If capsular contracture is not treated, the scar tissue can harden, resulting in pain and tightness, and can sometimes lead to deformed breasts. However, treatment depends on its severity. For milder cases (Grade I and II), non-surgical options like physical therapy or medications may be suitable for alleviating symptoms. However, in more severe cases (Grade III and IV), surgical intervention may be required.

The most common surgical procedure is a capsulectomy, where the surgeon removes the tightened capsule. In some cases, the implant may be replaced or repositioned to prevent recurrence.

Another technique is capsulotomy, which involves scoring or cutting the capsule to release tension.

Post-surgery, you may be advised to perform certain exercises or undergo additional treatments to reduce the likelihood of recurrence. It’s important to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon about the risks and benefits of each treatment option.

If you’re worried about capsular contracture, schedule an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock. After an initial physical assessment, he will recommend the best course of treatment.

Facial Procedures for Turning Back the Clock

As we enter 2024, you may be thinking about ways to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance. Whether you’re looking to smooth out wrinkles, lift sagging skin, or redefine your facial contours, it’s likely that there’s a procedure which can help.

Here we’ll explore three popular facial procedures for turning back the clock: facelifts, brow lifts, and neck lifts. Each of these cosmetic surgeries offers unique benefits, helping to restore a youthful look and boost confidence.

Facelifts: helping you look 10 years younger

Facelifts, clinically known as rhytidectomy, have a remarkable ability to rejuvenate the face. By addressing sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume, facelifts can effectively make you look around 10 years younger.

The procedure involves tightening underlying facial tissues, removing excess skin, and re-draping the skin on the face and neck. The result is a smoother, more youthful facial appearance.

Ideal for those experiencing noticeable signs of ageing, a facelift can restore a refreshed and natural-looking appearance.

Brow Lifts: a great standalone or complementary procedure

Brow lifts, also known as forehead lifts, specifically target the upper face. This procedure is excellent for correcting drooping brows, reducing wrinkle lines across the forehead, and improving frown lines.

They can be performed as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with other surgeries like facelifts and eyelid surgeries for a comprehensive rejuvenation. The result is a more alert, youthful appearance, with a smoother forehead and a raised, more defined brow line.

It’s particularly effective for those who feel their drooping brows convey a tired or unapproachable look.

Neck Lifts: completing your youthful transformation

A neck lift is the perfect finishing touch to a facial rejuvenation journey. This procedure specifically targets the signs of ageing in the neck and jawline area. It addresses issues like loose neck skin, excess fat under the chin, and muscle banding in the neck.

By removing excess skin and fat, and tightening the underlying muscles, a neck lift can provide a more defined and youthful neck and jawline.

This procedure is often combined with facelifts to achieve a harmonious, overall youthful appearance, ensuring that your rejuvenated face is complemented by your neck profile.

If you’re looking to achieve a more youthful, refreshed look this year, the procedures above are worth considering. The exact procedures you’ll need to undergo will depend on the severity of the signs of ageing, alongside your age, overall health, and desired results.

To discover which facial procedures you should undergo this year, schedule an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock. After an initial assessment, he will advise which procedures will help deliver the results you are looking for.

tuberous breasts

The size and shape of your breasts can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. While it’s common to have irregularities, for some women, the differences can be significant. Tuberous breasts for example, appear more tubular or narrower than usual, and can have a negative impact on quality of life.

If you’re looking for ways to improve the look and feel of tuberous breasts, the good news is there are several treatment options available. Here, we’ll look at their causes and symptoms, and reveal the best treatment options to consider.

What causes tuberous breasts?

Tuberous breasts are a result of a congenital abnormality that affects breast development during puberty. This condition is characterised by breasts that develop in a more tubular or narrow shape rather than the typical round shape.

The primary cause of tuberous breasts is a constriction of the connective tissue in the breast, which prevents it from developing normally and fully expanding. This constriction can vary in severity, often leading to a wide range of breast shapes and sizes.

The condition is not linked to any known health risks or lifestyle factors. It is simply a variation in breast development that can occur randomly. Women with tuberous breasts often find that their breasts have a more elongated or droopy appearance, with a higher-than-normal breast fold. The condition can also affect one or both breasts, leading to asymmetry.

Symptoms of tuberous breasts

Tuberous breasts can be identified by several key symptoms:

  • Narrow, tube-like breast shape
  • Enlarged, puffy areolas
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Higher than normal breast fold
  • Minimal breast tissue
  • Drooping or sagging appearance

These symptoms result from the restricted growth in the lower part of the breasts, leading to a more conical shape than round. You’ll notice that your breasts have a significantly different shape compared to typical breast development. The enlarged areolas occur due to the constricted breast tissue pushing forward.

The degree of asymmetry and sagging can vary significantly from one person to another, influencing the psychological and emotional well-being of those affected.

What are the treatment options?

There are several surgical options that can effectively reshape and enhance the appearance of tuberous breasts.

A breast lift, or mastopexy, can raise and reshape sagging breasts, creating a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing breast contour. Breast augmentation, involving the use of implants, can add volume and improve symmetry, offering a more balanced and rounded shape.

For men who experience gynecomastia, a condition that can resemble tuberous breasts, surgical reduction of breast tissue can be carried out. This can restore a more traditionally masculine chest contour.

Each treatment option is tailored to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. To determine which option is right for you, schedule an appointment with leading cosmetic surgeon Mr Nigel Horlock.

Remove frown lines

Frown lines are a natural sign of ageing, developing between the brows and across the forehead. While everyone develops them eventually, for many they can cause issues with self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness.

If you’re looking for a way to eliminate frown lines and regain those youthful looks, facial surgery may be the answer.

Here we explore how a simple brow lift procedure can help remove these tell-tale signs of ageing.

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the upper face. It primarily targets the brow area, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and restoring a more youthful, refreshed look.

The surgical procedure involves lifting the skin and tissues of the forehead and brow area. This not only smoothes out frown lines, but also repositions drooping eyebrows.

It can be done using various techniques including the endoscopic brow lift. This is a minimally invasive procedure that produces impressive results. Each technique varies slightly in its approach but shares the same goal: to lift the brows and smooth the forehead.

Will a brow lift completely remove frown lines?

A brow lift is highly effective in reducing the appearance of frown lines, but whether it will completely remove them depends on various factors. For most patients, it significantly reduces the appearance of frown lines, creating a smoother and more youthful forehead.

It’s important to have realistic expectations. While a brow lift can make a dramatic improvement, it does not stop the ageing process.

In some cases, additional treatments may be recommended in conjunction with a brow lift to achieve the best results.

What results can I expect after a brow lift?

The results of a brow lift are long-lasting, but not permanent. On average, the effects of the procedure can last from 5 to 10 years. The exact time will depend on factors like the patient’s skin quality, lifestyle, and how well they take care of their skin post-surgery.

Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and genetics also play a role in how long the results last. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon can help address any changes over time. They can also discuss any additional treatments that might be beneficial to maintain your results.

For more information on how a brow lift can help to rejuvenate your appearance and reduce frown lines, book a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock.

Eat after cosmetic surgery

With Christmas fast approaching, many of us are stocking up on rich indulgent foods and alcohol to help us celebrate the festive season. However, if you’ve recently undergone a cosmetic procedure, you may want to hold back on those tempting holiday treats.

What you eat after surgery can play a pivotal role in your recovery. It’s crucial you choose foods that are rich in nutrients that can help the body to heal.

Here we explore what you should eat after cosmetic surgery, and why it matters.

What foods should I eat after cosmetic surgery?

After undergoing cosmetic surgery, choosing the right foods can help to ensure a healthy recovery. Your body needs plenty of nutrients to heal properly. For example, you should eat plenty of protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs, and tofu, as protein is vital for tissue repair and muscle recovery.

Fruits and vegetables are also loaded with vitamins and antioxidants which not only help with wound healing, but also help combat inflammation. Options like berries, leafy greens, and bell peppers are excellent choices.

You’ll also want to consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and flaxseeds. These types of foods are also great at reducing inflammation.

Finally, staying hydrated is equally important. Water assists with flushing out toxins, helping you to enjoy a smoother recovery. Herbal teas and broths can also boost hydration while providing essential nutrients for the body.

What foods should I avoid after a cosmetic procedure?

Just as some foods can aid in your recovery after cosmetic surgery, others can cause problems. For example, you should avoid or limit foods that can cause inflammation or additional stress to your body.

The main foods to avoid or cut back on include:

  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol and caffeine
  • Spicy foods

Processed foods, high in salt and sugar, can increase swelling and slow down the healing process. These include ready meals, chips, and baked goods.

Alcohol and caffeine should also be limited as they can lead to dehydration and may interfere with the medications that you’re taking after surgery. Similarly, spicy foods can be problematic, as they can cause digestive issues and discomfort.

Why is it important to watch what you eat?

Your diet plays a big role in how your body recovers from any surgical procedure, including cosmetic surgery. The right nutrients can speed up healing, reduce the risk of complications, and even enhance the results of your surgery.

A balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants helps repair tissues, reduce swelling, and boost your immune system. This contributes to a smoother and quicker recovery.

For personalised advice on a speedy recovery after cosmetic surgery, book an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock today. With expert guidance, you can ensure best results and avoid any potential complications.