breast implant removal

A breast implant removal, or breast revision surgery, is one of the top 10 cosmetic surgeries requested by women. Demand for this surgery was up 79% last year, with many women no longer happy with the results of their breast augmentation.

It’s only natural to have questions if you’re considering having your implants removed. So, to put your mind at ease and manage expectations, here are the answers to the most common questions about the procedure.

What is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure that involves taking out previously placed silicone or saline breast implants. Much like how individual reasons for getting implants vary, reasons for removal can be just as diverse.

Whatever the motivation, it’s a procedure designed to help women feel more in tune with their bodies, while ensuring their comfort and safety. The implants can be completely removed, or in some cases, replaced with new ones.

When Should I Consider Breast Implant Removal?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. Some women choose to have their implants removed because they no longer fit with their desired look or lifestyle. Others may opt for removal due to medical reasons, or because they are causing discomfort or pain. On rare occasions, implant ruptures can occur, causing silicone to leak into surrounding areas. This is a medical emergency, so if a rupture is suspected then it should be treated without delay.

Age, life events, or changes in body image perceptions can also be compelling reasons. Implants aren’t designed to last forever, so it could be a simple case of removing and replacing them.

It’s important to monitor how you feel about your implants over time and consult with a professional if you ever have doubts or concerns.

Are There Any Risks and Complications?

As with any surgery, there are risks involved when you have breast implants removed. Common concerns include the potential for infection, adverse reactions to anaesthesia, and scarring.

Specific to breast implant removal, there may be worries about breast appearance post-surgery. A breast lift may be offered with fat transfer as a natural alternative to help alter the shape of the breasts.

It’s extremely important to select a reputable, experienced surgeon, as they can help to significantly reduce the risks involved.

What Can I Expect from Breast Implant Removal Recovery?

The road to recovery after a breast implant removal will involve some level of downtime, but the duration can vary based on the individual and the complexity of the procedure. In some cases, it may take up to a year to fully recover, though you’ll be able to get back to daily activities within 3-4 weeks.

Patients can experience swelling, discomfort, or a tight sensation in the chest initially. However, these symptoms often subside within a week. Wearing a support or compression garment can help shape the breasts and minimise swelling during the healing process.

It’s also crucial to follow any post-operative care instructions and keep any follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

Remember, each person’s journey to recovery is unique. To learn more about what to expect, schedule an appointment with leading cosmetic surgeon, Mr Nigel Horlock.

chiselled jawline

For men, a chiselled jawline is often seen as a sign of health, youth, and even confidence. So it’s really no surprise that procedures to help define the chin and neck area are rising in popularity.

If you’re looking to achieve a more defined look, there are plenty of procedures that can help. Here, we’ll explore your options and how you can choose the best treatment to help achieve the chiselled jawline you dream of.

Which Procedures Can Result in a More Chiselled Jawline?

Cosmetic surgery has come a long way in the past decade, helping you to alter practically any part of the face and body. If you want to achieve a chiselled jawline, here’s a rundown of the procedures that can help:

Chin Augmentation

If your jawline currently lacks volume, you may want to consider chin augmentation. This surgical procedure involves placing an implant in the chin area to give it a more prominent look.
By boosting the projection of the chin, the entire jawline appears more balanced and defined.

Neck Lift

If sagging skin under the jaw is the main concern, a neck lift might be the way to go. This procedure tightens up loose skin, giving the neck a smoother and more youthful appearance that complements the jawline beautifully.

Neck Liposuction

Carrying a little extra fat in the neck area? Liposuction can help remove unwanted fat, revealing a sharper jawline that was hidden beneath.
Unlike liposuction of the past, today’s procedures focus more on contouring areas of the body. This means they only remove small pockets of fat, leading to more natural looking results.

Dermal Fillers

A non-surgical option, dermal fillers can be injected to refine the jaw’s shape and add definition where needed. These fillers can be used to sculpt the jaw area and even address minor imperfections.

Choosing the Right Procedure for You

When choosing the best procedure to help you achieve a more chiselled jawline, consider factors like the recovery time, how long the results last, potential side effects, and, of course, your aesthetic goals.

Are you looking for a dramatic change or something more subtle? Surgical options like chin augmentation will provide a more dramatic makeover and lead to more permanent results.

Remember, when it comes to any cosmetic procedure, consulting with an expert surgeon is essential. They can assess your jawline and determine which procedure will help to give you the results you’re looking for.

Take the next step to achieve the jawline of your dreams by scheduling an appointment with board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Mr Nigel Horlock. He can answer any questions you may have, as well as explain the pros and cons of each procedure.

Recovery Tips After Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a transformative cosmetic procedure that can help you achieve a more toned abdomen. Many patients choose to undergo the procedure to reclaim confidence, especially after significant weight loss or childbirth.

While the surgery works wonders in sculpting the abdominal area, it can lead to a long and extensive recovery. If you want to speed up and ensure a smooth recovery process, here you’ll discover the best tips you can follow.

Wound Care After a Tummy Tuck

Post-operative care following a tummy tuck is crucial for ensuring optimal healing and results. It’s important to protect the wound and keep it clean and dry for about a week after the procedure. Moisture could lead to potential complications such as softening or opening of the wound. A follow-up will be organised for you with the surgeon to check the wound is healing as it should be.

To clean the wound, gently dab the area with a soft cloth dampened in a solution of mild soap and water. This will help to keep infections at bay, and allow you to monitor your healing progression. Familiarise yourself with its appearance so you can spot any irregularities early on and relay them to your surgeon.

Rest Up

Your body has undergone a significant procedure, and it needs plenty of rest to heal correctly. The anaesthesia, combined with the physical adjustments, may leave you feeling more fatigued than usual. Listen to your body’s cues and rest whenever necessary.

You’ll probably need to steer clear of strenuous activities during the initial recovery phase. Around a week post-surgery, introducing light exercises such as walking can be beneficial for circulation and overall healing.

By the time you hit the 4–6-week mark, and with a nod from your doctor, you’ll be ready to gradually resume your regular exercise routine. This period is not just crucial for your physical wellbeing, but also your mental health, given the therapeutic benefits moderate activity provides.

Follow a Healthy Balanced Diet

Finally, nutrition plays a pivotal role in healing and recovery. Embrace a diet rich in proteins, beneficial fats, and foods bursting with antioxidants to boost the healing process. Avoid foods known to cause bloating or any digestive discomfort, especially during the initial postoperative phase.

If you’re uncertain about which foods to incorporate into your diet, don’t be afraid to consult your surgeon or a nutritionist. Remember, the food you consume can significantly influence your recovery trajectory.

Keep in mind that the tips above are just general guidelines. The surgeon will give you specific aftercare instructions you should follow.

If you are thinking of undergoing a tummy tuck, schedule a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock. He will be able to answer any questions you may have about the procedure, as well as let you know what you can expect from the recovery.

forehead lines

Looking for a way to get rid of those visible forehead lines? While many think of muscle-relaxing injections, dermal fillers or a facelift as their go-to wrinkle warriors, there are downsides to these types of treatments. For example, injections only provide temporary results, and facelifts come with a long recovery time. If you’re looking for a less intensive, longer lasting solution, a brow lift could be just what you need.

This popular procedure is great for those seeking a smoother forehead and a fresher look, without the extended downtime. Here, you’ll discover more about the transformative magic of brow lifts and whether you are an ideal candidate.

How Can a Brow Lift Help to Remove Forehead Lines?

Forehead lines, stemming from age, genetics, or environmental factors, can sometimes make us look more tired or stressed than we actually feel. A brow lift focuses on correcting signs of ageing in the upper part of your face.

By tightening the skin and underlying muscles of the forehead, a brow lift effectively reduces or even eliminates these lines. This procedure can give your face a smoother and more refreshed appearance. As well as tackling fine lines, a brow lift can also raise drooping eyebrows, leaving you with a fresher, more youthful look.

How is a Brow Lift Performed?

The brow lift procedure starts with small incisions, typically hidden within the hairline or in natural creases of the face. Through these incisions, the surgeon will gently lift and tighten the skin and muscles, addressing the sagging and creases. Once the desired positioning and tightness are achieved, the incisions are closed.

Thanks to modern surgical techniques, the procedure is refined, leading to minimal scarring and a natural-looking result.

Am I An Ideal Candidate for a Brow Lift?

An ideal candidate for a brow lift is someone who is in good overall health. You should also have noticeable forehead lines or sagging eyebrows. It’s especially suitable for those seeking a more long-term solution than treatments like muscle-relaxing injections, but who aren’t quite ready for a full facelift.

As with any procedure, it’s crucial to have realistic expectations. It’s always a good idea to discuss your options with a skilled surgeon. They will be able to tell you if a brow lift is the best option, or whether a different procedure would be better suited for you to achieve your desired results.

If you’re contemplating undergoing a brow lift procedure to treat your forehead lines, schedule an appointment with Mr Horlock. After an assessment, he will be able to advise you whether a brow lift is the right option, or whether you could benefit from a different or combined procedure.

Youthful look around eyes

The eyes are often called the windows to the soul, but they can also be a telltale sign of ageing. As we get older, the area around our eyes can start to form crow’s feet, dark circles, and undereye bags, causing us to appear older. However, there are ways to reverse these signs of ageing and enjoy a more youthful look around the eyes.

Modern cosmetic treatments offer a variety of solutions to help preserve or even turn back the clock on your eye area. Here, we look at how you can keep that youthful sparkle alive, discussing both surgical and non-surgical options.

What Are the Signs of Ageing Around the Eyes?

Ageing around the eyes manifests in various ways, with each sign carrying its own unique set of challenges. Crow’s feet, those tiny lines radiating from the corners of your eyes, can often appear earlier than expected. They form due to constant muscle use and loss of skin elasticity.

Fine lines and wrinkles can also develop under the eyes and on the lids. Then, there are dark circles that make you look perpetually tired, even when you’re well-rested. Let’s also not forget the undereye bags that can add years to your face, or sagging skin that can even interfere with vision.

These signs collectively contribute to a tired, aged appearance.

What Treatments Can Help Preserve a Youthful Look Around the Eyes

Several treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, can help combat the signs of ageing around the eyes. Which option is right for you depends on the severity of the ageing signs and desired results. Let’s briefly explore the non-surgical and surgical options available:

Non-Surgical Treatments

For those who aren’t ready to go under the knife, non-surgical options like dermal fillers can offer temporary relief from crow’s feet, wrinkles, and fine lines. These treatments are minimally invasive and come with a shorter recovery time.

However, it’s important to note that these results are only temporary, requiring regular upkeep to maintain the youthful effect.

Surgical Treatments

If you’re seeking more long-lasting results, surgical options like blepharoplasty might be the best option. This surgical procedure involves removing or repositioning excess skin and fat around the eyes to reduce bagginess and improve the appearance of the eyelids.

In some cases, a brow lift may also help eliminate the signs of ageing, lifting the skin for a more youthful look.

While the recovery time is longer than non-surgical treatments, the results are more permanent and can offer a transformative effect.

Ready to take the next step in preserving your youthful look? Book a consultation with Mr. Nigel Horlock today to explore the best procedures to treat your eye area.

male tummy tuck

Cosmetic surgery has long primarily focused on women, but this perception is rapidly changing. The modern man is more open to exploring aesthetic procedures, and one surgery that is fast gaining in popularity is the male tummy tuck.

Here, we explore the rise in male tummy tucks, what they are, and what you can expect if you choose to undergo the procedure.

Male Tummy Tucks Rise By 121%

Recent statistics from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), indicate a staggering 121% increase in male tummy tucks in 2022. So, why are men increasingly opting for this procedure?

Men undergo tummy tucks for reasons similar to women. They want to eliminate excess skin after significant weight loss, address sagging due to ageing, or to remove stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise.

The benefits of a tummy tuck are multi-faceted. Not only does the surgery improve physical appearance, but it also contributes to better posture, reduced back pain, and increased self-confidence.

In a society where a sleek, toned physique often equates to success and vitality, it’s no wonder that so many men are taking the plunge.

What is a Tummy Tuck for Men?

A tummy tuck, medically known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. For men, the procedure is tailored to address the typical male problem areas, like love handles or a protruding belly.

Unlike liposuction, which solely removes fat, a tummy tuck also deals with excess skin and can even repair weakened abdominal muscles. This results in a more sculpted, toned appearance that diet and exercise alone may not achieve. The surgery can be particularly beneficial for those who have undergone dramatic weight loss and are left with sagging skin.

It’s also worth noting that the procedure can be customised to meet your individual needs and cosmetic goals. Whether you’re looking to tighten up your abdomen after weight loss or are seeking to refine the abdominal area for a more youthful appearance, a consultation with a skilled surgeon can help identify the best approach for you.

Tummy tucks are not just for women. They offer men the opportunity to improve their physique and their overall well-being.

What to Expect from Your Tummy Tuck Recovery

The recovery process after a male tummy tuck is a crucial period that can significantly affect the outcome. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort initially, which is usually managed with prescribed medications.

The total recovery time varies but is generally around 2-4 weeks. It’s essential to follow your surgeon’s advice closely. This may include wearing a compression garment, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments for wound care and progress monitoring.

If you’re considering a tummy tuck, a consultation is your first step to a more contoured, confident you. Book an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock to discuss your options and determine if a tummy tuck is the right choice for your specific needs.

breast shapes

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has reported a 102% increase in cosmetic procedures in 2022 compared to the previous year. Women accounted for 93% of all cosmetic procedures, marking an increase of 101% from 2021. The two most common procedures were breast surgeries – breast augmentation, which saw a 66% increase, and breast reduction, which reported a startling 120% rise.

Women have all kinds of concerns about the size and shape of their breasts. While these concerns are completely normal, there are ways to address them if they are causing distress.

Here, we look at why breasts vary so much in shape and size, and the main concerns that drive women to choose cosmetic breast surgery.

What Causes Different Breast Sizes and Shapes?

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, influenced by factors ranging from genetics and ageing to pregnancy, surgery and weight fluctuations. Many women may have aesthetic preferences for their bust size, shape, or how it sits on their chest, and these can be addressed through both surgical and non-surgical interventions.

Some women may require a correction after a previous cosmetic breast surgery when they are no longer happy with the results. This may involve a revision, or a breast implant removal procedure.

The Concerns Different Breasts Sizes Present

When breasts are noticeably different in size, it can cause a range of issues. Your clothes might fit awkwardly, and finding the right bra can become a never-ending quest.

It isn’t just the practical aspects that can be a cause for concern. Uneven breasts can sometimes affect a woman’s self-confidence, making her feel self-conscious and less comfortable in her own skin.

Those who aren’t happy with their breasts often find it has an impact on their day to day lives. For example, women with larger breasts may avoid wearing low-cut tops, or venturing out in public altogether. They may also find some types of exercises difficult. Similarly, women with smaller breasts can lose confidence – sometimes feeling there is a disproportion between their hips and breasts.

These are just some of the issues women have when it comes to the size and shape of their breasts. The beauty of cosmetic surgery lies in its ability to address and alleviate individual concerns with customisable options for patients.

Changing the Size and Shape of the Breasts

Whether it’s breast augmentation to increase natural breast size and volume or to improve symmetry, a breast reduction to eliminate discomfort, or a breast lift to restore firmness and shape, these procedures can bring balance to your body and boost your confidence.

The crucial part is choosing a surgical procedure that’s right for you, tailored to your unique body and your personal desires. Breast implants are customisable, coming in different shapes and sizes. Also, the incision location can vary – for example, along the areola, under the breast, through the underarm or even through the navel.

Mr Nigel Horlock, an expert cosmetic surgeon, has carried out hundreds of breast procedures. Don’t let your breast concerns hold you back – schedule an appointment with Mr Horlock today and start your journey to a happier, more confident you.

After a facelift

All surgeries, even necessary ones, come with risks. This is especially true for intricate procedures like a facelift. While there are ways to reduce the risks, first you need to understand exactly what they are.

What Recovery Difficulties Can Occur After a Facelift?

Facelift surgery can dramatically improve your appearance. But, like all surgical procedures, it is not without its potential challenges during recovery. Each person’s body responds differently to surgery, which can lead to various difficulties, such as allergic reactions to medications, excessive swelling, and facial nerve damage.

Here’s some of the most common recovery difficulties you might face:

Allergic Reactions to Medications and Anaesthesia

While rare, allergic reactions to the medications or anaesthesia used during facelift surgery can occur. Symptoms may range from mild skin rashes and itching, to severe reactions, like difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. If you’re allergic to any medications, it’s crucial to inform your surgeon beforehand. Always pay attention to any unusual symptoms after your surgery and contact your healthcare provider immediately if any arise.

Anaesthesia, while generally safe, can sometimes trigger allergic reactions. These reactions might be mild, causing symptoms like a rash or itching, or more severe, leading to breathing difficulties. If you’ve ever had an adverse reaction to anaesthesia, ensure your surgeon is aware of this before the surgery.

Excessive Swelling

Swelling is a normal part of the healing process after facelift surgery. However, sometimes the swelling can become excessive and lead to discomfort. It usually peaks around two to three days after the surgery, before gradually subsiding.

Cool compresses, keeping your head elevated, and avoiding strenuous activity can all help manage the swelling. If it becomes severe, or doesn’t start to reduce after a few days, it’s essential to seek medical attention.

Facial Nerve Damage

Facelift surgery involves the manipulation of skin and underlying tissues, which can sometimes result in damage to the facial nerves. This can lead to weakness or numbness in the affected areas. While most nerve injuries from facelift surgeries are temporary, some may be permanent. It’s essential to discuss this potential risk with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

Reduce the Risks with an Expert Surgeon

Choosing an experienced, certified surgeon can significantly reduce the risks associated with facelift surgery. These professionals are skilled in performing the procedure, minimising potential complications, and providing excellent aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery.

Mr Nigel Horlock is a board-certified consultant cosmetic surgeon who has carried out a significant number of successful facelift procedures. Schedule an appointment now to learn more about the risks and complications, alongside what to expect from your facelift results.

Facelift for different ages

While once considered a procedure for older people, facelifts are today carried out on patients of all ages. The surgery can help anyone who wants to look younger, not just those over the age of 50.

There’s no strict age limit for choosing a facelift. However, depending on how old you are, you may experience different results and undergo a slightly different procedure. Here, we’ll break down what you might expect from a facelift at different ages.

Facelift Results in Your 30s and 40s

Facelifts are becoming more popular for people in their 30s and 40s. In your 30s, there might not be much to fix, but having a facelift can help slow down the signs of ageing. Similarly, in your 40s, the signs of ageing might not be very strong, but a facelift can still make a big difference by enhancing your face shape and profile. It’s like turning back time before ageing takes hold.

There is a misconception that hormonal changes can impact the results of a facelift for menopausal women. However, many women have facelifts before the menopause and still look younger for years to come.

Facelift Results in Your 50s

In their 50s, patients often notice bigger changes in their face and neck. The skin might start to sag and lose its stretchiness, and fat may move from the top of the face to the bottom. It can be distressing to see your face changing so much, and things like stress, pollution, and gravity don’t help.

Unfortunately, creams and lotions can’t undo these changes. That’s why some people in their 50s choose to undergo a facelift, alongside extra procedures for a fresher look. They might choose to combine a facelift with eyelid surgery, a brow lift, or a neck lift.

Facelift Results in Your 60s

For those in their 60s and older, a facelift can act like a little time machine, helping to bring back their youthful complexion. By removing excess skin and fat around the lower face, it eliminates jowls, a double chin, or even a ‘turkey neck.’

While a facelift in your 60s won’t make you look like you’re in your 30s again, it can make you look about 10 years younger. The surgeon will make the skin tighter, adjust fat, and give the chin, neck, and jaw a neater look.

Be aware that if you’re around 65 years of age, there’s a slightly higher chance of encountering issues after surgery. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes, or any other health complaint, make sure you chat to your doctor prior to undergoing the procedure.

To get an idea of what a facelift could do for you, book an appointment with Mr Nigel Horlock today.

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

As the number of complications from cosmetic surgery tourism rise, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has issued a joint statement with the Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (TSPRAS).

In a rare show of unity, the two organisations have collaborated to establish guidelines for patients who are considering undergoing surgery in Turkey. The primary objective of these guidelines is to safeguard patients from any adverse results, and ensure they are aware of the level of care they should expect, both pre- and post-operation.

Here, we look at the latest guidelines issued to help you make a better-informed decision.

What Are the New Guidelines?

If you are considering heading to Turkey for cosmetic surgery, here’s the updated guidelines provided by the BAAPS and TSPRAS:

  • Ensure the Turkish surgeon is a member of TSPRAS and verify their membership online.
  • The surgeon must possess Turkish board certification, which should be visible upon request.
  • The surgeon should have a minimum of 5 years of experience in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery since the training process varies in Turkey.
  • Make sure the surgeon provides an aftercare plan.
  • Know the name of the surgeon and ensure a means of contacting them in case any issues arise.
  • Ask about the surgeon’s tenure with their clinic or company, with a recommendation of at least 3 years.
  • Understand that it is mandatory in Turkey to complete a detailed consent form before travelling. If this is not done, it is a red flag.
  • Verify the surgeon’s specialty, as some practitioners in Turkey might falsely claim to be plastic surgeons, or work outside their field.
  • It is advisable to have the surgery performed in an established hospital, preferably one with at least 30 beds.

Following these guidelines doesn’t guarantee you won’t undergo risky procedures. However, it will decrease the risks involved.

Choosing a Reliable, Experienced Surgeon

Wherever you decide to undergo cosmetic surgery, choosing a reliable and experienced plastic surgeon is essential. First and foremost, patient safety is paramount, and experienced surgeons are typically well-versed in the latest techniques and safety practices. This can significantly reduce the risk of complications during and after the procedure.

When it comes to achieving quality results, nothing substitutes for experience. Skilled cosmetic surgeons have refined their techniques over several years, leading to aesthetic outcomes that are both symmetrical and natural-looking. Having a seasoned professional carrying out the procedure also means that you will receive the best advice and recommendations that are specifically tailored to you as well as your personal goals.

Choosing a GMC registered surgeon will ensure your safety when opting for a cosmetic procedure. A GMC registered surgeon will be qualified, trustworthy and skilled, while also having the correct medical insurance and adequate premises that meet set standards.

Mr Horlock is a GMC registered surgeon, and he has over a decade of experience carrying out both simple and complex cosmetic procedures. Book an appointment now to discuss how he can help you achieve your perfect body.