Looking to achieve natural, full-looking breasts without implants? While breast augmentation remains the most popular breast enhancement procedure, fat grafting has become a popular alternative.
Looking to achieve natural, full-looking breasts without implants? While breast augmentation remains the most popular breast enhancement procedure, fat grafting has become a popular alternative.
Looking to achieve natural, full-looking breasts without implants? While breast augmentation remains the most popular breast enhancement procedure, fat grafting has become a popular alternative.
Using the body’s own fat cells, a fat grafting procedure can help to add volume, as well as correct issues with asymmetry. It is one of the newest techniques available and Mr Horlock specialises in the procedure.
Here, you will discover more about this innovative procedure and whether or not it could be the right choice for you.
+ What is fat grafting for the breast?
Also medically known as autologous fat transfer, fat grafting is mostly used as a breast reconstruction technique. It takes fat from other areas of the body using liposuction. After liquefying the tissue, it is injected into the breast area. Compared to breast augmentation, it is a minor procedure which can deliver excellent results.
The procedure itself involves Mr Horlock making small incisions into the skin of either the buttocks, thighs or stomach. A cannula is then inserted to gently extract the fat without damaging it. The incisions will be stitched up and a dressing will be applied to protect the area while it heals.
Specialist equipment is then used to spin the fat, separating it from fluids and blood. A syringe and needle are then used to re-insert the fat back into the breast area. How much fat is used will depend upon how much reconstruction needs to be carried out.
The entire procedure takes around two hours to complete.
+ Am I an ideal candidate?
Fat grafting for the breast is often carried out for patients who have had to undergo a mastectomy during cancer treatment. However, it is also suitable for those seeking a more natural alternative to breast implants.
It largely aims to correct small areas of the breast. Research is being carried out to determine how effective it could be for full breast reconstruction. However, at the moment it is better suited to those with minor asymmetry and loss of volume.
+ What is the downtime like after fat grafting to the breast?
It is common to experience some bruising and swelling after the procedure where the liposuction was carried out. However, as the treatment uses your own fat, it isn’t viewed as a foreign body. This means the immune system won’t attack it, reducing the risk of complications including bruising and swelling.
You will need to take it easy for a week or so after the procedure. Exercise should be avoided for two to four weeks. Most patients find it useful to take one to two weeks off work to speed up the recovery process.
While most discomfort will be felt in the area that received liposuction, it is possible for your breasts to experience side effects. You may experience some discomfort in the breasts and an aching sensation which could last one to two weeks.
The breasts will show immediate results which are long-lasting depending upon the lifestyle you adopt. If you gain or lose excess weight, it could alter the shape and size of the breasts, therefore affecting the results.
+ What are the risks and complications?
The risks and complications are much lower with fat grafting for the breast than they are with alternative surgical options. However, the few risks you should be aware of include:
The latter is one of the more severe and rare complications, causing the fat cells to die. There is also a small risk some of the transferred fat cells will leave the area they were inserted into.
You will be told of any risks and complications you might experience during the consultation. To book a consultation with Mr Horlock, simply fill out our contact form and one of the team will be in touch.
Fill in the contact form below and one of the team will be in touch to arrange a consultation or answer your questions.