If you are concerned about the appearance of your nipples there are potential surgical solutions that can make a significant difference to your self-confidence.
If you are concerned about the appearance of your nipples there are potential surgical solutions that can make a significant difference to your self-confidence.
If you are concerned about the appearance of your nipples there are potential surgical solutions that can make a significant difference to your self-confidence.
Inverted nipples are a very common condition, thought to affect one in ten women in the UK to some degree. They can cause embarrassment and distress but can be corrected with a relatively straightforward procedure. Overly large nipples or areolas can become more of a problem as you age or go through childbirth and breastfeeding.
+ How are inverted nipples corrected?
There are three grades of inverted nipples and, initially, Mr Horlock will determine which grade applies to you and therefore which is the best treatment option. The nipples are connected to the breast gland by the milk ducts but if the ducts are too short then the nipples become inverted.
For less serious cases that fall into the first grade, the nipple can become everted for a short time if manipulated before, eventually, it retracts. In grade two cases the nipples retract immediately and for grade three cases the nipples always remain inverted.
Some grade one cases can be treated with a suction device available from chemists and if used over a period of time can stretch the ducts so the nipple remains permanently everted. However, this rarely works for more serious cases who will probably benefit from a surgical procedure.
Mr Horlock can repair inverted nipples surgically using a suture technique that releases the shortened milk ducts. This can be performed at the same time as other breast surgery.
+ How are overly large nipples corrected?
During the consultation, Mr Horlock will determine whether it is the width or length of the nipple that requires reduction. If the nipples are too long and droop down or over-project, it is possible to remove the tip of the nipple and then suture it or remove a section and suture the tip to the bottom. If the nipples are too wide and thick it is possible to reduce the circumference. Generally, this procedure is performed under local anaesthetic.
+ How are overly large areolas treated?
The area around the nipple can also be reduced either by making an incision all the way around the outside of the areola or by cutting from the nipple down to the base of the areola.
Mr Horlock will explain these procedures in full at the consultation and ensure that you are happy to go ahead at this time particularly as they might affect your ability to breastfeed.
To make an enquiry or for Nipple Correction costs, please fill out the form below and one of the team will be in touch.
Fill in the contact form below and one of the team will be in touch to arrange a consultation or answer your questions.