nipple correction

Unhappy with the way your areola looks? While it is normal for areolas to vary greatly in size and shape, many women are unhappy with how theirs presents. The size and colour of the areolas can also change over time. For example, they can darken in colour and become larger or smaller.

If you are unhappy with how your areola looks, there are surgical options available. Nipple correction surgery has become particularly common in recent years and it can be carried out alongside breast surgery. Below, you’ll discover everything you need to know about areola changes and surgery options.

How can the areola change over time?

Over time, your areola will go through significant changes. During puberty, the pigmented part of the areola grows in size. Eventually they develop into a raised area, appearing darker than the rest of the breasts.

When you go through pregnancy, the areola can again increase in size and darken. While the breasts go back to their original size once lactation has ended, the areola doesn’t. It may shrink a little, or go lighter in colour, but it is unlikely to go back to how it looked before.

These are the main changes your areola can go through during your lifetime. However, there are some changes in the nipples you should watch out for that could need medical intervention.

Knowing when to consult a doctor

Most changes in the size and colour of the areola are completely normal. However, there are some changes that could point to an underlying issue.

If the nipples are dry, itchy and flaky, it could point to nipple eczema. This is linked to atopic dermatitis which can also produce small, raised bumps on the areola.

Any lumps and bumps that develop on the areola should be investigated. They could point to a rare type of breast cancer known as Paget’s Disease of the nipple.

Is nipple correction surgery a good option?

If you do want to alter the appearance of the areola, nipple correction surgery could be a good option. An incision can either be made down from the nipple to the areola, or around the outside of it. The surgeon will then work on reducing the size of the area.

Alongside altering the areola, nipple surgery can also help to correct inverted nipples, and reduce larger nipples. In a lot of cases, nipple surgery is also used alongside breast surgery.

While most patients don’t experience any issues after the surgery, it is important to note there are some risks and complications. Nipple surgery can result in issues with breastfeeding for example. Therefore, if you are planning on having a baby, you may want to hold off on the surgery until you have finished breastfeeding.

If the size of your areola is causing issues with your confidence and self-esteem, book a consultation with Mr Nigel Horlock. You can then talk through your treatment options and decide on the best one for you, as well as ask any questions about the procedure or the aftercare.

natural results from plastic surgery

Looking to achieve natural results from your plastic surgery? While in the past, going under the knife delivered a fake, plastic appearance, these days improved aesthetic techniques produce a much more naturally-beautiful look.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you are trying to achieve natural results through surgery. Here, you’ll discover some of the best ways to get that natural look when going under the knife.

Ensure you are physically healthy

Before undergoing any type of surgery, it is important that you are generally healthy. This ensures the risks of the surgery are reduced.

Ideally you should be of average weight, and a non-smoker. If you do smoke, quitting a few weeks prior to the surgery is recommended. This is because smoking is well known to affect the results of surgery. It can increase the risks, as well as cause issues with wound healing.

If you do experience complications due to poor health, it can reduce the quality of results, resulting in an unnatural look.

Choose an experienced surgeon

One of the best ways to make sure you receive natural results, is to choose your surgeon carefully. The more experienced the surgeon is in the type of surgery you are undergoing, the better the results will be.

You should also make sure that the surgeon is fully certified. Even the best surgeons can’t always prevent complications from developing. However, choosing a skilled surgeon is certainly going to help to reduce the risks and ensure you achieve the best results.

Make sure your expectations are realistic

Something you should ask yourself before undergoing cosmetic surgery, is whether your expectations are realistic. Many people go into cosmetic surgery thinking it will produce far greater results than it actually will.

The best way to ensure your expectations are realistic, is to talk them through with the surgeon. During your consultation, you will be able to ask what kind of results you can expect and whether you are choosing the right procedure. It could be that in order to achieve the results you want, a combination of procedures will be required.

Research the different surgery techniques

Did you know that the technique used within your cosmetic surgery procedure can also impact results? Choosing a surgeon skilled in both the traditional as well as the latest techniques is going to be your best option. Mr Nigel Horlock is an expert in a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures for the face, breasts and body.

There are lots of ways to get natural looking results from plastic surgery. For example, if you are considering breast augmentation, you might consider a smaller sized implant. And you might achieve a more youthful looking face from an eyelid lift and/or a brow lift, instead of opting for full facelift surgery. The incision type that you choose for any surgical treatment, will also ensure that scars are well hidden.

Mr Horlock believes that consultation is essential for a good outcome in aesthetic surgery. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today, to talk through your different treatment options and get the results that you want to achieve.

Wonky eyelids

Asymmetrical eyes can be caused by a range of factors including genetics, lifestyle factors and ageing. Whatever the cause, wonky eyelids can understandably lead to issues with self-confidence.

The good news is there are ways to correct asymmetrical eyes to give you a more balanced look. Below, you will discover more about the causes of uneven eyelids and the treatments that are currently available.

What are the causes of asymmetrical eyelids?

There are a number of potential causes of wonky eyelids. Understanding the cause can help you to determine the best course of treatment.
Genetics can play a key role in the shape of the eye area. You may notice that other members of your family also have uneven eyes. If it is caused by genetics, you won’t need to undergo treatment unless it bothers you aesthetically.

Ageing is another common cause, and this is something you can treat. There have been a number of imaging studies that have shown ageing links to facial asymmetry. The reason is because when we get older, our soft tissues within the face begin to relax. The cartilage within the nose also grows continuously, further causing issues with asymmetry.

Uneven eyelids could also potentially be caused by lifestyle factors such as smoking. Studies have revealed that smoking can lead to droopy eyelids. Meanwhile, too much sun exposure could also cause skin changes around the eyes. If it impacts one side of the face more, this could generate issues with asymmetry.

These are the most common causes of wonky eyelids. So, how can you treat the problem if it is causing you distress?

Understanding your treatment options

There are several treatment options for asymmetrical eyes. The two main treatments are an eyebrow lift and blepharoplasty.

Both corrective procedures have their pros and cons. It is important to compare them to determine which procedure would be better for you. Mr Horlock will be able to talk through your treatment options with you, during your consultation. You may also be recommended additional procedures that could enhance your results.

A brow lift

A brow lift is a straightforward procedure which raises the position of the eyebrows. This in turn raises the skin and soft tissue of the eyelid as well as the forehead, giving it a younger and healthier look. A brow lift can be carried out as an open or closed procedure with incisions usually made along the natural hairline.

Results of a brow lift are typically immediately seen, but there may be some swelling and bruising for the first week or so after surgery.

Blepharoplasty surgery

A blepharoplasty is surgery on the eyelids. It aims to correct droopy eyelids, and it can also improve the appearance of eye bags.

A blepharoplasty can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids, or both. When targeting the upper eyelid, an incision will be made along the crease of the eyelid. Any excess fat and skin will then be removed.

The results of a blepharoplasty can be immediate, but as with a brow lift, you may need to wait until any bruising and swelling have subsided. Both a brow lift and eyelid lift can be done together to boost results.

If you are living with wonky or droopy eyelids, there are treatments available to help give you back your confidence. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to discuss which treatment would be better for you.

breast reduction

Recently, there has been a significant increase in demand for breast reduction surgeries. While larger breasts were once the preference, women today are becoming more concerned with achieving a natural look. Body positivity and increased confidence are also playing a role in the procedure’s popularity.

Before you consider having a breast reduction procedure, you should understand what it involves. Here, we’ll reveal the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about breast reduction surgery.

What is a breast reduction procedure?

A breast reduction procedure aims to reduce the size of the breasts by remodelling them. This is done in numerous ways, and it can also be combined with a breast lift for maximum results.

It is often carried out to eliminate the problems that come with larger breasts. For example, large breasts can interfere with exercise, cause embarrassment and cause aches and pains.

What will it involve?

The actual process will depend upon how much work needs to be done to reduce the size of the breasts. No matter what surgical technique is used, an incision will need to be made around the nipple, as well as vertically below the nipple. Another incision will be placed in the fold of the breast to ensure it remains well hidden.

Excess fat, skin and glandular tissue are removed to reduce the size of the breasts. The procedure itself can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to complete.

What is the recovery like?

After a breast reduction, you will need to take around two weeks off work. You will be able to return to exercise after six weeks. You shouldn’t find the recovery painful, however any pain can be controlled with over the counter pain relief medication.

After the surgery, you will usually need to stay in overnight so you can be monitored.

What are the risks and complications?

Like all surgeries, breast reductions come with a few risks and complications to be aware of. You may be left with thick, visible scarring. There could also be issues with wound healing, a loss of nipple sensation, infection and excessive bleeding.

These are just some of the risks you need to know about before you undergo the procedure. Your surgeon will go through your individual risks during your consultation.

Will a breast reduction impact my ability to breastfeed?

Most patients find that their ability to breastfeed is unchanged after a breast reduction. However, there is a risk that you will be unable to breastfeed if complications arise. This is something you should speak to Mr Horlock about before deciding whether or not the procedure is right for you.

A breast reduction is the ideal way to make the breasts smaller and can help patients to lead a more active lifestyle, as well as significantly boost confidence. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to see how a breast reduction might help you achieve the results you are looking for.

eyebrow lift

Brow lifts are quickly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. Helping to solve both cosmetic and functional issues, this innovative procedure is simple yet effective.

There are lots of great benefits associated with a brow lift. Below, we will look at some of the best benefits you can expect when you undergo this procedure.

What are the benefits of a brow lift?

The goal of a brow lift is to help create a more youthful appearance. It does this in a number of ways including:

Opening the eye area – A brow lift can really open the eye area, leading to a bright-eyed look. This is great for those who frequently look tired due to droopy brows. Not only does opening up the area make you look more awake, but it also makes you look happier too. This makes you appear more approachable.

Smoothing out wrinkles on the forehead – The procedure can also help to smooth out the wrinkles on the forehead. It will smoothen out mild to moderate wrinkles, helping you to look much younger.

Reducing crow’s feet wrinkles – After undergoing an eye lift, you will also see that crow’s feet around the eyes will be greatly reduced or eliminated completely. This can make a huge difference to your appearance.

Repositioning the brow line – In many cases, the brow line is repositioned. Placing the brow in an elevated position helps to pull up and gently stretch the skin for a more youthful look.

Removing excess skin – If you have excess skin around the eyes, it can create a droopy effect. A brow lift can include removing excess skin, ensuring the patient is left with a smoother, brighter look.

These are just some of the benefits you can expect when you undergo a brow lift. The procedure provides long-lasting results too. When you compare it against non-surgical methods such as Botox and fillers, you’ll see the results last way longer. You’ll also save money in the long term as non-surgical procedures typically need to be repeated every six months.

Combining a brow lift with other procedures

If you are looking to undergo a significant transformation, you may wish to combine a brow lift with another procedure. For example, many patients tend to undergo a brow lift, alongside an eyelid lift.

With an eyelid lift, excess fat and skin is removed from the eyelids. They are also lifted to provide a youthful appearance. When you combine it with a brow lift, you’ll see drastic improvements that can make you look up to 10 years younger.

You can speak to the surgeon to see which treatments work well alongside a brow lift. At your consultation, you will learn more about the procedure and the results you can expect to see. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to see how a brow lift might help you achieve the results you are looking for.

ear reshaping

The ongoing pandemic has had a surprising effect on the types of cosmetic treatments being requested. As mask wearing has become essential, it has drawn attention to parts of the body you would not typically worry about. One area that patients are becoming more aware of since they started wearing a mask, is the ears.

There are several cosmetic treatments that can impact how the ears look. The most effective is ear reshaping. Here, you’ll discover more about the ear reshaping procedure and how it can improve your quality of life.

What is ear reshaping?

Ear reshaping aims to adjust the shape of the ears for an enhanced aesthetic effect. There are two different techniques that can be used, and the procedure takes between one to two hours to complete.

One technique includes pinning the ears into place with sutures. The other technique removes pieces of skin and cartilage to reshape the ears. The surgeon will discuss which one would be better for you during the initial consultation. There are pros and cons to both methods so it’s important to understand them before deciding which one to go with.

The procedure can be carried out on both adults and children, as long as the cartilage has fully developed. Adults undergoing ear reshaping will generally be put under local anaesthetic. Children on the other hand are usually treated under general anaesthetic.

What are the benefits?

The main benefit of ear reshaping is that it can greatly improve confidence. When the ears are prominent, they are typically the first thing people see when they look at you. By reshaping them, it brings more balance into the facial aesthetics, improving your confidence.

While there is a very small chance that you may need to undergo a repeat surgery, mostly ear reshaping results last a lifetime. It is known to be a safe treatment too, with thousands of procedures carried out each year in the UK.

Patients who undergo ear reshaping often report significant improvements in their quality of life.

Recovery after surgery

You will be able to leave the hospital on the same day. A check-up will be carried out a week after the procedure. You will need to wear a bandage around the head until this check-up appointment in order to let the ears heal.

You may experience some discomfort, though this should largely disappear after a week. Strenuous activities should be avoided for up to six weeks, while light activities can resume within one to two weeks.

Ear reshaping is a popular procedure that can be carried out on adults and children alike. As mask wearing continues to drive people’s insecurities over their ears, the procedure can help to boost confidence and quality of life.

If you are considering ear reshaping surgery, book a consultation with Mr Horlock so that he can answer all your questions, and you can discuss a treatment that would be right for you.

breast reduction

At one time, breast enlargements were one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries in the UK. Patients were looking to go as big as they could, regardless of whether or not they looked natural. These days however, surgeons are starting to see more of a trend towards breast reductions.

Here, we’ll look at why breast reduction is starting to take over the breast augmentation sector.

Breast reduction moves up top cosmetic surgeries list

The latest cosmetic trends to watch in 2021 have been announced and smaller breasts made the list. According to the British Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), there has been a dramatic rise in the number of breast reductions requested.

Many patients are choosing to have their implants downgraded to smaller ones, or removed entirely. When breast augmentation is requested, there is now very much a demand for natural looking results. It is a huge contrast to the larger breast trend the industry has been experiencing since the 1990’s.

Why have attitudes changed?

There are a number of factors said to be behind the change in attitude surrounding smaller boobs. The rise of the health and wellness sector has inspired many women to embrace their natural looks. Their values are changing, no longer solely consumed with aesthetic concerns.
Larger breasts are also known to come with a number of downsides. They can impact the types of exercise you do, as well as cause pain and discomfort. A reduction is therefore seen as a way to overcome these challenges.

Social media and celebrities have also played a role. The top celebrities at the time always influence cosmetic trends. In recent years, actresses such as Kristen Stewart have been favoured, famous for their petite body shape.

Natural is definitely the look most patients are aiming for these days. A breast reduction is a great way to make the breasts more manageable and achieve a natural look.

More active lifestyles

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant change in lifestyle. In order to help combat the virus, it has been recommended we become as healthy as we can be. That means becoming more active, especially during lockdown.

The trouble is larger breasts don’t fit in well with a more active lifestyle. They can get in the way, cause discomfort, and generally cause a lot of frustration. The larger the breasts the harder it is to work out and carry out daily activities. This has led to many patients seeking a breast reduction.

Overall, there has definitely been a significant shift in surgery of the breast. Even those who are choosing to go larger, are ensuring they look natural and not go too large.

Prior to undergoing a breast reduction, or a breast augmentation procedure, patients should always undergo a consultation. This will help to determine what results they can expect and whether or not it is right for them. Get in touch with Mr Horlock today to find out more.


Looking to enhance your face without the constant need for Botox top-ups? Genioplasty could be the answer.

There has been a recent increase in the number of patients seeking jawline Botox. Driven by selfies, social media and Zoom video calls, the non-invasive treatment has become one of the most requested procedures at clinics across the country. However, results from Botox are only temporary and will need to be topped up.

Genioplasty offers a more permanent solution to help you achieve the perfect jawline. Learn more about this effective procedure below.

What is Genioplasty?

Genioplasty is most commonly referred to as chin surgery.

There are two main types of Genioplasty. The first uses implants to alter the shape, and a second type is to change the chin’s position or alignment. Both procedures are common among both men and women.

The surgery itself takes 60 to 90 minutes (a day case), and is often performed alongside a rhinoplasty surgery (reshaping of the nose) to maximise results. An incision is made through the inside of the mouth or under the chin, so there should be no visible scarring.

It is important you have the surgery performed by an experienced, specialist surgeon. This will ensure you end up with the best results and it will reduce the risks of the surgery.

What results can it provide?

Genioplasty delivers excellent results. While exact results will vary between patients, generally speaking you will see a noticeable improvement in the chin and jawline. If you have chosen to have implants, you can rest assured they will provide a natural look. It will take around four weeks to fully notice the results.

The recovery process

You can usually resume your daily tasks within a week after Genioplasty. You will likely experience some discomfort for a few days after the surgery. However, this can be controlled with over the counter pain medication.

The main thing to keep in mind is that you will need to keep your head more elevated when you sleep. This means sleeping on your back for around a couple of weeks. In terms of strenuous activities, you can resume more demanding tasks within three to four weeks.

Are there any risks and complications?

All types of cosmetic surgery carry some level of risk. With Genioplasty, there are very few risks and complications associated with the procedure. The main risks to be aware of include infection, the implant may shift in position, poor scarring and internal bleeding. The latter is very rare, but you still need to be aware that it could happen.

Mr Horlock will talk through the risks and complications with you during the consultation. This will help you to decide whether or not to go through with the procedure.

To find out if Genioplasty is the right option for you, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today. When performed correctly, chin surgery can significantly enhance the jawline, giving it a more contoured appearance.

facial surgery

During the first lockdown, the number of patients requesting facial surgery procedures rose significantly. A number of factors are thought to be contributing towards the increase.

Alongside having extra time off from work and the pressure of video calling, it is thought many people are turning to surgery to feel better.

Here, we’ll look at the factors driving people to undergo surgery and the most common procedures they are opting for.

Why are facial procedures more popular now?

Facial procedures have soared throughout the pandemic. Some of the reasons cited for the boom in procedures include:

  • Mask wearing highlights certain areas of the face
  • The rise in Zoom video calls
  • Additional time spent on social media
  • People now have more time to get work done

Wearing masks has highlighted parts of the face, such as the eyes. This has led to many people developing insecurities over how certain parts of their face look. Many are undergoing surgery to correct these new-found imperfections.

There has also been a rise in video calls, forcing people to confront how they look. Additional social media use may have driven demand for facial surgery in order to help people look and feel their best.

With millions of workers furloughed, there is now time to get work done that they may have been considering for a while. As they don’t have to see anybody, it gives them the opportunity to get the work done without anybody noticing.

As the lockdowns have continued, it has also caused the symptoms of mental health issues to increase. Many people are feeling down about the situation, using surgery as a way to pick themselves up. These are just some of the main reasons facial surgery procedures have increased since the pandemic began.

Which treatments are patients requesting?

Some of the most requested treatments include eyelid lifts, facelifts and brow lifts. Full facelifts are the most extensive procedure you can undergo to alter the face.

The less invasive treatments tend to be more popular due to how quick and often painless they are. Eyelid and brow lifts have the potential to significantly change the facial appearance, helping patients to look much younger.

The only treatment that can target dynamic wrinkles around the eyes and on the brow, also known as crow’s feet or frown lines, are Muscle Relaxing Injections. These have also seen a surge in popularity as mask wearing has put all the attention on the eyes and upper third of the face.

Overall, people do seem to be spending more on their face to make themselves feel better during these uncertain times.

It is important not to rush into surgery on the face. To learn whether a facial treatment is right for you, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

Tummy tuck

As we enter the new year, millions of people look towards getting fitter and healthier.

You may be considering a quick fix to achieve a more toned and sculpted stomach. But is a tummy tuck really the answer to achieve the body you’ve been dreaming of?

Here, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the abdominoplasty procedure.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is known as an abdominoplasty procedure. It focuses on toning up the abdominal area, rather than helping patients to lose weight.

It aims to remove small stubborn pockets of fat which won’t shift through diet and exercise alone, while tightening up the muscles and eliminating sagging skin.

There are different types of tummy tucks available including the full and the mini tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck is less invasive and ideal for those looking to treat the lower part of the umbilicus.

Other options include an extended abdominoplasty and a Fleur-de-Lys abdominoplasty. Your surgeon will advise you which type of tummy tuck is right for you. Another option, if skin and muscle tone isn’t a problem, is liposuction to remove excess fat.

What results can I expect?

The results you can expect will depend upon the type of tummy tuck you undergo and the extent of the work that needs to be done. The good news is an abdominoplasty procedure can produce results which last a lifetime.

You will discover more about the results you can expect when you attend your consultation.

Are there limitations?

It is important to understand that there are limitations to what a tummy tuck can do. As mentioned earlier, it isn’t a procedure that will help you to lose weight. So, if you’re looking to lose the pounds, this isn’t the right procedure for you.

What risks and complications do I need to be aware of?

Like any procedure, a tummy tuck does come with some risks and complications. These include:

  • Problems with wound healing
  • Infection
  • Excess fat or skin at the corners of the incision site
  • Pain and discomfort

Generally speaking, tummy tucks are low-risk procedures. However, they are known to be painful during recovery, particularly if you have undergone a full abdominoplasty. Being aware of the risks helps you to determine whether you should go ahead.

These are just some of the most common questions about the procedure. While it can help to tone up the abdominal area, you do need to consider whether it is the right option for you.

Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today if you have any questions about abdominoplasty, and to discover whether you would be a suitable candidate.