tummy tuck procedure

If you are struggling to achieve a flat stomach through diet and exercise alone, a tummy tuck could be the answer. This popular procedure delivers a lot of benefits, helping to boost confidence and quality of life.

While a tummy tuck can provide excellent results, it isn’t necessarily right for everyone. Here, you’ll discover more about the tummy tuck procedure and whether you are an ideal candidate.

What is a tummy tuck procedure?

A tummy tuck is medically known as an abdominoplasty. It helps to remove excess skin and fat within the abdomen. This results in a flatter, smoother stomach.

The procedure is quite invasive, which means it will require lengthy downtime. However, it offers a great range of benefits including boosting confidence, restoring the figure after weight loss, and improving posture. A tummy tuck is often carried out alongside liposuction for best results.

Are you an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck procedure?

Before booking yourself in for a tummy tuck, you’ll need to know if you are an ideal candidate. The procedure is typically ideal if:

  • You want to eliminate excess skin
  • Your general health is good
  • You don’t smoke
  • You only need to lose a little fat

Excess skin can be a real problem when you lose a lot of weight. Instead of being able to enjoy your new slim figure, you now need to cover up loose-hanging skin. A tummy tuck can help to eliminate excess skin from the abdomen, leaving behind a flat, toned appearance.

Like with any surgery, you will need to be generally healthy to undergo the procedure. This is down to the risks of the procedure. The healthier you are, the fewer risks and complications you’ll be exposed to.

Other considerations before undergoing a tummy tuck

There have been a lot of studies that have shown the negative impact smoking has on things like wound healing. Smokers are at a greater risk of experiencing complications. If the wound doesn’t heal correctly, it could become infected. This in turn can impact the results of the procedure.

A common misconception about a tummy tuck is that it can help you to shed a lot of excess fat. The truth is, it is there to contour the abdomen, rather than act as a weight loss procedure. If you are obese, a tummy tuck isn’t going to give you the results you are looking for. So, make sure you are near your ideal weight before considering this procedure.

These are some of the general guidelines you should follow when deciding whether you are an ideal candidate. Of course, the best way to establish if a tummy tuck procedure is right for you is to talk it through with an experienced surgeon. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to discover if you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck.

reshape your chin

Chin enhancements have risen in popularity since the pandemic. As video calls became the norm to stay in touch, many people became more aware of their imperfections. The way the chin looks has a direct impact on how the rest of your features appear. This in turn can cause issues with confidence and self-esteem. For those concerned about how their chin looks, there are ways to correct its appearance. Genioplasty is a type of chin surgery that can reshape your chin, and it can provide particularly effective results.

Read on to learn more about this popular procedure and whether it is right for you.

What is a genioplasty?

A genioplasty is a type of chin surgery that aims to reshape your chin. It is an invasive procedure that repositions the bone, securing it into its new position with a metal plate if needed. The surgery is carried out through an incision inside the lower lip, ensuring no visible scarring is left behind.

How is genioplasty different from implants?

Genioplasty is used to achieve a different outcome to implants. With implant surgery, it addresses volume by inserting an implant into the chin. Genioplasty, on the other hand, focuses on changing the position and shape of the chin.

In a genioplasty, the surgeon can move the chin backwards or forwards. If it is currently asymmetrical, they can move it a little to either side. Additionally, the procedure can be used to make the chin longer or shorter.

In some cases, genioplasty and implants can be used together to achieve the best results. It can also be combined with a rhinoplasty (nose surgery) to maximise results, and to achieve a more balanced face.

What kind of results can I expect?

Genioplasty delivers excellent results. Most patients are more than satisfied with the chin’s appearance after the surgery. While results will obviously differ between patients, generally they are significant and long-lasting.

You won’t need to undergo additional procedures to maintain the results. As the bone is repositioned, it permanently alters the chin’s appearance.

How long will it take to recover from a genioplasty?

Following genioplasty surgery, you can expect to get back to normal activities within a week, but it is advisable to take at least 2 weeks from work and you can expect to be fully recovered after a month.

After the surgery, you may feel some discomfort for a few days. Painkillers can be prescribed to help manage any pain. It is important to sleep on your back with your head elevated for around two weeks. This will prevent any pressure from being placed onto the chin while it heals.

A genioplasty can be a highly effective procedure for helping to reshape your chin and can help you achieve more facial balance. To find out if you are a suitable candidate, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.


Your nose plays a big part in how you look. If you aren’t happy with the size or shape of your nose, it can greatly affect your confidence.

The good news is, there are ways to alter the look of the nose if it is impacting how you feel. Rhinoplasty is the most popular option, helping to resize and reshape the nose to fit your preferences.

Here, we’ll look at what rhinoplasty is, and what you need to know about the procedure.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is also commonly referred to as a nose job. It was one of the first types of cosmetic surgeries to be recorded. The aim of the procedure is to alter the appearance and shape of the nose.

There are different surgical methods and techniques, including open and closed procedures. Both will provide you with lasting results, and Mr Horlock will discuss which one is right for you during your consultation. It is commonly carried out to:

  • Reshape the nose’s tip
  • Alter the width of your nostrils
  • Change the hump located on the bridge of your nose
  • Alter the length and width of the nose

The procedure takes between one and three hours to complete under general anaesthetic. Although it is a common procedure, it requires a great deal of skill to carry out. For this reason, it’s important to ensure you are choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon. Mr Horlock is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty procedures and an emphasis on naturally beautiful results.

What results can a rhinoplasty deliver?

Most patients are happy with the results of their rhinoplasty procedure. However, results will vary from patient to patient. You may see the results instantly, but it can take a few months for any swelling to subside.

You may find it strange getting used to your new look. And this is completely normal as it is a big change to what you are used to. If for any reason you aren’t happy with the result, revision surgery may be possible. Therefore, it is always best to discuss the type of results you expect from rhinoplasty in your initial consultation before having surgery.

Are there any risks and complications?

There are some risks and complications you may experience after undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure. However, provided you choose a reliable surgeon, these are generally rare. The main ones to be aware of include:

  • Bruising, pain, and swelling
  • Infection
  • Issues with wound healing
  • Bleeding
  • Anaesthetic risks

Bruising, pain, and swelling are the most common side effects of rhinoplasty. You will experience swelling around the eyes, and any pain and bruising could take up to a week to reside. You may also experience issues with wound healing, alongside infection at the wound site.

It is important to be aware of the risks and complications before deciding if rhinoplasty is right for you. If you are thinking of getting a nose job, book a consultation to discuss the procedure with Mr Horlock today.


Facelifts are a popular anti-aging procedure. Helping you to look up to 10 years younger, this extensive procedure has been carried out for decades. Improvements in technique have made it safer and more effective. However, prior to undergoing a facelift, it’s important to understand what you can expect from the procedure.

So, what can you expect after a facelift? Find out everything you need to know below…

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting several issues caused by the natural aging process. It can sculpt the face by eliminating excess skin, tightening the muscles, and adding extra fat to plump up targeted areas.
There are now different facelift options to choose from, including the traditional facelift, and mini facelift procedures. The traditional procedure provides maximum results, taking around two-four hours on average. If you are having additional procedures carried out at the same time, it could take longer than four hours to perform.

What results does a facelift provide?

Most patients are happy with the results they experience. However, it can take time for the results to show. This is because you may experience a lot of bruising and swelling which can take time to go down.
It’s common to feel like the skin of the neck and face is a little too tight after the procedure. However, this should stop after around six weeks. Remember, the results of a facelift aren’t permanent. However, they generally last for an average of 10 years.

Aftercare advice for the best recovery

If you want to gain the best results from your facelift procedure, it’s a good idea to follow the surgeon’s aftercare instructions. These will vary depending on your personal circumstances. However, general recovery advice includes:

  • Giving your body plenty of rest
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Avoiding vigorous activity
  • Look after your wound as instructed

Ideally, you’ll want to rest for at least two weeks after the facelift. Arrange for somebody to take you home and try and do any housework prior to having the procedure. That way, you can just sit back and relax once you have had it done. You’ll want to avoid any form of vigorous activity for a few weeks afterwards.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important as the results can be impacted if you gain weight. Similarly, if you smoke this too can cause the results to wear off much faster. Smoking is known to speed up the aging process, so quitting is the best way to keep that young, healthy appearance.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure you take care of your wound as instructed by the surgeon. This will reduce the risk of infection.

To learn more about what to expect after a facelift procedure, book a consultation with Mr Horlock. This gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have before undergoing the procedure.

Look Great This Summer

Summer is a time to forget your worries, enjoy the sunshine and enjoy a brief respite from the typical UK weather. However, it can also potentially be damaging to your looks. Without adequate protection, the strong summer sun could play havoc with your skin.

If you want to make sure you look great this summer, and beyond, check out these tips.

Keep yourself hydrated

If there’s just one tip you follow this summer, make sure it’s this one! Staying hydrated is extremely important, both for your skin and your overall health. When it is hot, we automatically lose more water from the body as we sweat. This can lead to dehydration, and in extreme cases, heat stroke.

The skin needs adequate hydration to look and feel good. Without it, the skin will appear dull, tired, and dry. It can also lead to signs of aging over time. So, make sure you are continuously topping up your hydration levels.

Protect your eyes

The skin around your eyes is extremely delicate. This means it is at greater risk from the sun. Making sure you wear sunglasses while out in the sun will help to protect the skin, as well as your eyes themselves. It also stops the fine lines that can appear due to continuously squinting.

If the signs of aging have already affected your eyes, an eyelid lift or a brow lift can help to eliminate sagging skin. Furthermore, they can produce immediate results.

Exercise with caution

When you are exercising, it’s important to make sure you are wearing the right clothing. Failing to wear a sports bra for example, could lead to issues with sagging breasts over time. Always wear a sports bra when you are exercising to prevent damaging or stretching the breasts.
If your breasts are already sagging, you might want to consider a breast lift to give them a more youthful look.

Keep the skin protected

Finally, and most importantly, keeping the skin protected is essential. If left exposed to the sun’s rays, the skin is at risk of developing melanoma. Even if you are lucky enough to not develop cancer, the skin is also at risk of premature aging.

Using an SPF of at least 30 is recommended. However, if you do have signs of aging on the skin, there may be several surgical options available. A facelift can help to knock years off your appearance, though it is an extensive procedure. You could also opt for non-surgical treatments such as fillers – but these are temporary procedures that require repeat treatments to maintain results.

These are some of the best ways to protect your skin in the sun, and to look great this Summer. Provided you take the time to protect the body, it will look and feel great for years to come. If you already have signs of aging, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to learn more about the different procedures available.

Questions About Labial Reduction

Trying to decide whether a labial reduction is right for you? While labias come in a lot of different shapes and sizes, many women are unhappy with how theirs looks.

A labial reduction is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the inner or outer lips. Like any surgery, it’s important to know everything about it before deciding if it is right for you.

To help you decide, below you’ll discover the answers to some of the most common questions about labial reduction.

What exactly is a labial reduction?

A labial reduction, or Labiaplasty, aims to reduce the size of the labia minora, the inner lips of the vagina. It also creates a smoother appearance with the outer lips, or the labia majora.

There are a number of different techniques that can be used, depending on the preference of the patient. However, the goal of each is to create a ‘tucked in’ appearance.

Are there any risks and complications?

There are some risks and complications to be aware of before undergoing a labial reduction. These include:

  • Numbness
  • Decreased vulvar sensitivity
  • Scarring which results in painful intercourse
  • Chronic dryness
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

These risks are small, but you do still need to be aware of them. If too much of the labial fold is removed, it could cause issues with function. Consequently, the lips may not protect the vagina as much, which could increase the incidence of vaginal infections.

Mr Horlock will talk through the exact method along with all of the risks and complications associated with the procedure during your consultation.

What results will it produce?

The procedure can provide very natural looking results. Those who undergo the surgery to correct issues such as tugging or twisting, often report massive relief. Furthermore, it can be life-changing if the issue was causing you significant discomfort or distress.

A study from 2014, showed around 91% of patients who underwent the procedure, were satisfied with the end result. With that said, results do vary. So it is important to get an idea of the type of result you can expect during your consultation.

How long will it take to recover?

A labial reduction is typically carried out as a day procedure, done with local or general anaesthetic. You will likely feel swollen and sore afterwards, and patients are advised to avoid working for one to two weeks.

You’ll find the recovery runs smoothly if you give the body time to rest, wear loose clothing, and avoid vigorous activity. If you find it uncomfortable to sleep, you can lie down with your bottom slightly elevated. You should notice that any pain, swelling, and discomfort takes around six weeks to clear up.

A labial reduction is a simple, yet big procedure. If the size of your labia is causing you distress, or if you have more questions about labial reduction, book a consultation with Mr Horlock. Discover whether a labial reduction procedure could be right for you.

Combining Surgical Procedures

Plastic surgery has become a widely accepted and effective way of altering our appearance. Each year, new trends emerge, and existing techniques are improved. One of the most recent trends to hit the sector is combination surgery.

It isn’t unusual for patients to undergo more than one procedure at a time. When the right treatments are used together, maximum results can be achieved. The question is, which surgical procedures work well together? Find out below…

Understanding combining procedures

Combination procedures are basically two or more cosmetic procedures carried out at the same time. The surgeon will perform one procedure, then move immediately onto the next.

These types of procedures take a lot of skill and present several challenges to surgeons. Therefore, patients should only undergo this type of surgery if they are confident in the surgeon’s abilities. Choosing an experienced, skilled surgeon will reduce the risks of complications.

Mr Nigel Horlock is an expert in a full range of cosmetic surgery procedures for the face, breasts and body. During the consultation, he will go through the different treatment options, which might include combining surgical procedures to achieve your desired result.

What are the benefits?

There are a lot of benefits that come from undergoing combination procedures. These include:

  • Enhanced results
  • Reduces recovery time
  • It is convenient for those with time constraints
  • Lower risk of complications

The main reason for undergoing more than one procedure at a time, is that it can help to enhance results. Some surgeries complement each other, producing much more distinctive aesthetic changes. Many patients find they cannot achieve their desired results with just one procedure.

Another benefit of undergoing multiple surgeries at once, is that it reduces overall recovery time. If you were to undergo one procedure, you would need to recover before undergoing the other procedure at a later date. You would then need to undergo an additional recovery period. In many cases patients struggle to find the time to fit in two recovery periods.

Although combination treatments are trickier to perform, they do actually lower the risks. For example, there is always a risk when going under anaesthesia. If you were to undergo the procedures separately, you would be exposed to the anaesthesia twice. However, with combination procedures, you only need to be put to sleep once. This reduces the overall risks of the treatments.

Which treatments work well together?

So, now you know the benefits, which treatments work well together? The main procedure combinations recommended include:

  • Breast reduction and breast uplift
  • Eyelid lift and a brow lift
  • Genioplasty and a rhinoplasty
  • Facelift and non-surgical injections

These are the main treatments that generally go well together. Each additional procedure is designed to complement the original. With a breast reduction for example, sagging could be an issue in the final result. A breast uplift helps to give the breasts a younger, firmer appearance.

Before booking any surgical procedure, it is important to talk it through at your consultation. Mr Horlock will advise you of any multiple procedures that you might benefit from, and the things you’ll need to consider.

Male plastic surgery

During the pandemic, cosmetic surgeons have seen a dramatic rise in male patients. While there has been a steady increase in male cosmetic surgery in recent years, demand accelerated during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here, we will look at why male plastic surgery is on the rise and the most common treatments requested.

What is driving a rise in male plastic surgery?

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, around a third of its members noted a rise in male enquiries. One thing said to be contributing to the trend is the surge in video calls.

When businesses went into lockdown, employees were forced to work from home where they could. This meant staying in touch with work colleagues through online video calls. The constant pressure to look good for these calls has led many men to consider seeking improvements.

There has also been a social shift over the past decade. These days, male cosmetic surgery is widely accepted. There isn’t the same level of stigma as there used to be. This makes men more comfortable to book any work they want to have done.

There is just as much pressure placed onto men to look good these days as there is on women. So, it is only natural they are turning to surgical solutions more frequently in today’s society.

Common procedures requested by male patients

Some treatments are proving particularly popular with male patients. The most common procedures booked by men include:

  • Liposuction
  • Facelifts
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Non-surgical procedures

Liposuction has become one of the most common treatments booked by men. Helping to contour the body, it can aid in eliminating stubborn pockets of fat. However, most recently, facelifts have become a leading choice.

Why are more men requesting face surgeries?

A study in 2019 showed that a facelift can make a man appear more attractive and trustworthy. However, one of the main reasons the treatment has accelerated in popularity is down to its anti-aging benefits. Many men feel pressure at work to look younger as they feel they need to compete with their young colleagues. Above all, a facelift can produce outstanding results and lockdown has given patients plenty of time to recover in private.

The rise in video calls has made many men more aware of their features – in particular their nose and jawline. Rhinoplasty is a largely safe procedure to alter the shape and appearance of the nose, and chin surgery can help to alter the jawline. Both of these surgeries can provide more aesthetically pleasing, long-term results.

There is no denying men do feel a lot more pressure these days to look their best. When done for the right reasons, plastic surgery can improve self-confidence, as well as overall quality of life.

Mr Horlock believes that consultation is essential for a good outcome in any aesthetic surgery. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today, and get the results that you want to achieve.

Breast Implant Removal

Thinking of having a breast implant removal procedure? There are several reasons why you may wish to remove old implants. It could be that you now want a more natural look.

Breast augmentation surgery is considered one of the safest cosmetic surgery procedures, and it can produce natural-looking results. Mr Horlock carries out breast augmentation using implants by Johnson and Johnson, as well as Allergan. Both are superior quality brands renowned for their safety.

The average lifespan of breast implants is 10 to 15 years, although some women do not require them changing at this point. Some women decide to have their implants removed completely, but there are a number of options at this point.

So, what is breast implant removal? Is it a good option? And what other options are there? Below, you’ll discover answers to some common questions.

What is breast implant removal?

Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure which removes your implants without replacing them. It takes up to two hours to complete, and patients are placed under general anaesthetic.

During surgery an incision is made in the same place as the original incision. This helps to keep scarring to a minimum. The implants will be removed before the area is stitched back up. To aid in healing and prevent infection, a dressing will be placed over the wound.

In most cases, an additional surgery is required to help reshape the breasts. It is common to undergo an implant removal alongside a breast lift procedure. If additional volume is required, fat transfer is often a good option. This involves taking fat cells from a different area of the body and inserting them into the breast.

Ideal candidates are those who are healthy, and who don’t want their implants anymore. It could be that you have experienced complications, or the implants are coming towards the end of their life.

What kind of results can I expect?

The results of the procedure will depend upon a number of factors. How much breast tissue is left and the size of the implants will make a big difference. It is important to realise that you might not see full results until a year after the procedure. Mr Horlock will be able to give you the best idea of the type of results you can expect.

What can I expect from the recovery?

The majority of patients return home the same day after a breast implant removal. Sitting upright will help to reduce swelling, and you should rest for around two weeks after the procedure.

Expect to return to normal activities within four to six weeks. While you recover, try and wear loose clothing to keep you comfortable.

Are there any risks of breast implant removal?

Like any procedure, there are some risks and complications you should be aware of. Pain and swelling are common for a few days after the surgery. There is also a risk of infection, oozing wounds, and any scarring may become more prominent. Talk to the surgeon to determine your individual risk factors.

The above are some of the most commonly asked questions about the breast implant removal procedure. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock to determine whether a breast implant removal is a good option for you.

Prepare for a facelift

Facelifts have been carried out for decades. The popular procedure is known to make patients look up to 10 years younger. However, while it may be one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, there are things you should know before you go under the knife.

Here, you will learn the key factors to consider when you prepare for a facelift. This will help to give you a good idea of what to expect.

What is a facelift and how does it work?

A facelift is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to tighten up the skin around the neck and face, helping to combat the signs of aging. It is particularly effective at eliminating and reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

The lower part of the face is typically targeted the most during a facelift treatment. This includes the mouth, cheeks and jawline. The procedure can be carried out in numerous ways, though an incision is typically made along the hairline.

It will eliminate excess skin and fat, alongside tightening up the underlying muscles and tissue. Stitches or skin adhesives will be used to close the incisions once the procedure has been carried out.

What to expect from the recovery

You will usually be able to go home on the same day as the procedure. For the first few days after a traditional facelift, you will likely experience some discomfort. There will be dressings to protect the face that need to be left on until your check-up, normally a week after.

It takes around two weeks to fully recover from the procedure, when you can return to some light daily activities.

Due to where the incisions are made, you shouldn’t notice any scarring once it has healed. However, the amount of scarring present will vary from patient to patient.

Choose an experienced surgeon

If you want to make sure that you prepare for a facelift as well as possible, there are some things you can do prior to the procedure. Ensuring you choose a reliable and experienced surgeon is the first thing you should do.

Mr Horlock is a highly skilled Consultant Plastic Surgeon with many years of experience in both reconstructive work and cosmetic surgery. He performs the full range of facial cosmetic surgery procedures, including facelifts and brow lifts, as well as a number of facial rejuvenating procedures.

Prepare for the recovery

As the recovery is quite lengthy, you should also look to do things around the home to make it easier. Clearing a space and making sure you don’t have to do much of anything after the surgery is recommended. You should also consider things such as meal prepping and having somebody there to look after pets and children if needed.

Facelift aftercare

It goes without saying that you should also follow the aftercare instructions. This will ensure you experience best results while also remaining as comfortable as possible throughout the recovery period.

If you are considering undergoing a traditional facelift, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today. You can tell him your wishes and expectations, and he will discuss with you the different treatment options.