bags under the eyes

Trying to get rid of unsightly bags under your eyes? Many adults develop dark circles or ‘bags’ under their eyes which can cause them to look constantly tired. The good news is, there are ways to eliminate them, and it starts by identifying the cause.

So, what causes bags under the eyes and how can you treat them? Discover everything you need to know below.

What causes bags under the eyes?

There are several reasons why dark circles can appear under the eyes. In some cases, they might be temporary, while in others the bags are there to stay. So, what could be causing those unsightly dark circles under the eyes? Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes…


One of the main causes is ageing. As you get older, the body doesn’t produce as much collagen or elastin. The area under your eyes is very thin, so as you lose collagen it really starts to show in the eye area.

Lifestyle and diet

Your lifestyle and diet can also contribute towards bags under the eyes. In particular, if you don’t get enough sleep you will start to develop temporary dark circles. Not drinking enough water can also contribute to the problem.


In some cases, bags under the eyes can be a genetic issue. If your immediate family has developed dark circles over time, it could increase your chances of developing them too.

These are the main causes of under-eye bags. Once you know the cause of the problem, you can identify the correct treatment to help fix it. So, what treatments are available for bags under the eyes?

Treating bags under the eyes

There are multiple treatments. Depending on the cause, current options available include:

If the bags under your eyes are caused by diet and lifestyle, making simple changes could be enough to see a drastic improvement. Make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Your doctor will be able to suggest changes based on your individual case.

If your dark circles are caused by ageing or genetics, you can undergo a blepharoplasty. This is a simple surgical procedure that can be performed on one or both eyelids. It is highly effective at creating a more youthful appearance, as well as removing dark circles.

Fillers can be used to replace lost collagen in the under-eye area. However, they do only provide a semi-permanent fix. You will need to undergo regular sessions to maintain the results in the long term.

If you are ready to banish your under-eye bags once and for all, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

exercise after breast surgery

Breast surgery is a major procedure, and as such patients need to give their bodies plenty of time to rest and recover. However, according to a new clinical trial, women who exercise soon after the procedure tend to be happier with their overall results.

So, is it safe to start exercising quickly after undergoing breast surgery? Here we will look at what the latest clinical study found, and the general advice given to patients after the procedure.

The latest trial into exercise after breast surgery

The clinical trial, which was published in January’s Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal, discovered that women who began exercising after one week off didn’t suffer any additional complications. They were also happier with their results than those who waited the standard length of time.

The trial involved 225 women split into groups. One group followed the current guidance on returning to exercise, while the other followed a supervised program. The women who exercised either did aerobic or strength exercises over a period of 12 weeks. Meanwhile, the women who didn’t exercise were told to rest for 12 weeks.

After a year, the researchers analysed the rates of complication in both groups. Patients were also asked to fill in a BREAST-Q questionnaire in order to determine their overall satisfaction in terms of results. A total of 75 patients in both groups filled out this questionnaire.

Results showed that those in the non-exercise group had a 7.5% complication rate. Women in the exercise group on the other hand, had a reduced complication rate of 6.9%. The complications reported were minor, and no patient needed to undergo a revision surgery within 12 months.

Satisfaction results revealed the average score in the exercise group was 88, while in the non-exercise group it dropped to 66.

General rest and recovery guidelines

Currently, rest and recovery guidelines state that you should rest for a period of two to four weeks after breast surgery. There has been concern over the risk of complications from not giving the body plenty of time to heal.

While the clinical trial suggests women don’t need to rest as long as is currently recommended, each patient is different. Those who undergo a fat grafting procedure should still rest for up to four weeks in line with the advice provided by their surgeon.

Always follow your surgeon’s advice

While the results of the new study do highlight the benefits exercise could deliver during recovery, patients should always speak to their surgeon beforehand. The advice given to you will be tailored to your own specific needs.

If you are wondering how quickly you can get back to exercise after breast surgery, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

rid of a double chin

Are you struggling to get rid of a double chin? Over time, fat can begin to accumulate under the chin, causing it to sag downwards. This creates the impression of a double chin, and it can sometimes be difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise alone.

While there are no medical risks associated with a double chin, it can cause a great deal of embarrassment. It can also impact the overall aesthetics of the face.

The good news is, there are ways to eliminate a double chin once and for all. Here, you will discover some of the best treatment methods for getting rid of a double chin both surgically and non-surgically.

What surgical treatment options are available?

There are several surgical options you have to help get rid of a double chin. The right choice for you will depend on the root cause of the problem. For example, is it just fat or is there excess skin too? If there is excess skin, you can have a treatment that addresses this too.

Let’s look at some of the most common surgical treatment options to fix a double chin…


Liposuction is one of the most effective treatments to get rid of a double chin. It targets the area specifically, sucking out a small portion of fat. A tiny incision will be made beneath the skin, then a tube will be inserted to suck out the fat.
The procedure is typically carried out under local anaesthetic. You will be able to return home the same day, though you should rest for up to a week to allow the body time to heal.

A mini facelift

If you also have lines or wrinkles to contend with, you may find a mini facelift is the right choice. This procedure is a lot less intensive than a full facelift, yet it can give the face a much more youthful appearance. If your double chin is mostly caused by excess skin, this procedure should address the problem.

You may find a full-face lift is the most effective option, depending upon the results you want to achieve.

Neck lift

If you don’t need to correct any other signs of aging, a neck lift could be an ideal way to get rid of that double chin. The purpose of a neck lift is to correct sagging skin, tighten up the muscles, and improve the overall contour of the area. It can effectively eliminate a double chin and is a less intensive procedure than a facelift.

These are just some of the options patients have when it comes to getting rid of a double chin. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock now to determine the best treatment option for you.

Eyelid Surgery

If you are looking to improve your facial appearance, there are several types of surgery you can undergo. When the problem is mostly around the eye area, two procedures you may benefit from include eyelid surgery and a brow lift.

Both these procedures can deliver excellent results. So, how do you know which one is right for you? Discover everything you need to know below.

What is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery medically referred to as Blepharoplasty can be carried out on the upper or lower lid. The procedure is designed to help improve the functionality and appearance of the eyelids. When done correctly, it can eliminate a hooded appearance, while smoothing out the eye area for a more refreshed look.

The procedure is carried out by creating a small incision along the eyelids’ natural crease. Excess fat and skin are removed before the area is closed. You can have one or both eyelids corrected, and it can be carried out alongside other procedures for best results.

What is a brow lift?

In a brow lift procedure, the brows are moved upwards to create a younger, fresher look. You can undergo a full brow lift or a lateral brow lift. The latter is a mini procedure that raises just the outer portion of the brow.

In a standard brow lift procedure, an incision will be made along the hairline. The surgeon will then work to move the brows to a better position before closing. You will notice forehead lines are typically improved after the procedure, making it a good alternative to a facelift.

Which procedure is right for you?

When deciding whether an eyelid or a brow lift is right for you, consider what the main problem is you are trying to fix.
A good tip to see which procedure might work better for you is to place your finger along the brow, lifting it up to a higher position. If this lifts up the excess skin, it’s likely you’ll need a brow lift procedure. However, if saggy skin remains, the problem is more likely to be your eyelids.

In some cases, you may benefit from a combined eyelid and brow lift. In your initial consultation, Mr Horlock can take you through the different options to help you determine which is right for you.

Understanding the risks and complications

Before undergoing any procedure, it’s important to take into account the risks and complications. Both a brow lift and an eyelid lift can lead to complications such as:

  • Issues with asymmetry
  • Changes within your skin sensation
  • Scarring
  • Pain and bruising

You can find out more about the risks and complications during your initial consultation.

Both procedures require very little downtime and they each come with their pros and cons. To find out which procedure is right for you, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

Cosmetic Treatments

Looking to improve your appearance but worried you won’t have time to recover? While some types of cosmetic surgery require a long resting period, there are plenty of cosmetic treatments that have a short recovery. This makes them ideal for those working from home, or for those who have a week or two off work.

Here, we’ll look at some of the best cosmetic treatments you can have with limited time off.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is a minor procedure, but it does take up to 14 days to fully heal. The good news is that although it may take a few weeks for the bruising to fade, you can typically get back to normal activities after one week.

Most side effects from an eyelid lift tend to be mild, so they shouldn’t cause too much discomfort during recovery. If you are working from home this is a good procedure to have. If you are working with the public, however, it may not be the right option if you can’t take a couple of weeks off.


If you want a short recovery time, liposuction is ideal. Newer techniques have made the procedure more precise, using it to contour parts of the body rather than remove large portions of fat. This means the recovery time often takes just a few days. You’ll be able to return to your normal activities within a week.

You can have liposuction on different areas of the body including the thighs, abdomen, neck, and buttocks.

Breast implants/breast lift

If you are looking to change the appearance of your breasts, most procedures only require a 3–6-day downtime period. Whether you opt for a breast lift or breast implants, you may be able to return to work in as little as 2-3 days. However, this will depend upon the extent of the changes made and whether any complications arise during the procedure.

A breast reduction usually requires a longer recovery, however, the results from this popular procedure can be life-changing.


A rhinoplasty is a major procedure, but many patients are able to return to work within a week. Packing and splints will be removed within 3-5 days, and significant bruising typically remains for up to a week.

Be aware that although the recovery period is short, the full results of a rhinoplasty don’t always show for up to a year. So, you may need to be patient when waiting for the results of the procedure. Everyone is different too so you may experience severe bruising for longer than a week.

These are some of the best cosmetic treatments you should consider if you want a short recovery. Don’t forget there are also a lot of non-invasive treatments available, such as dermal fillers and Botox. These require zero downtime, though the results are only temporary. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

Nose change

The bones of the body may stop growing when you reach puberty, but their tissues can continue to change. This means certain areas of the body, including the nose, change shape as you age.

It isn’t known whether the cartilage continues to grow, but there is evidence the glands in the nose can enlarge. Many people notice a change in the shape of their noses as they get older. So, why do these changes occur? And what can you do if you suddenly find you hate the new shape of your nose?

How can the nose change shape as you age?

Initially, the nose stops growing by the end of puberty. For girls, this is age 15 or 16, while for boys it rises to age 18. Once the nose stops growing after puberty, it remains the same size and shapes for decades. It isn’t until you are typically in your forties that it begins changing once again.

The changes start with the skin of the nose becoming thinner. Over time, the structure of the nose begins to weaken, causing the tip to droop. This in turn causes the nose to appear longer on the face.

As gravity begins to pull the facial skin downwards, it can cause the nose to appear larger than it is. The additional sagging can also lead to the appearance of a small bump on the bridge of the nose. This bump may have always been there, but it was covered by thicker skin.

These changes are completely normal, but they can start to impact your confidence. If you do find it difficult to accept your new nose, there are treatment options available.

Is Rhinoplasty a good option?

The best treatment option to correct a change in the shape of the nose is rhinoplasty. This popular procedure can alter the bone, cartilage, and tissue within the nose. It can eliminate an unsightly bump, correct a droopy tip, and reduce the size of a larger nose.

Your surgeon will be able to give you a good idea of the results you can expect. If you are planning on undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure, it is worth choosing an experienced and trusted surgeon. While it is common, a rhinoplasty is a complex procedure. This means in the hands of an unskilled surgeon you may not get the results you desire.

Addressing the other signs of ageing

It isn’t just your nose that can change shape as you age. You may also notice your ears start to appear differently too. This is because they too are made from cartilage, which is known to weaken over time. This combined with sagging skin can cause the ears to appear longer and more prominent. To correct changes in ear shape, you can undergo an ear reshaping procedure.
If you have noticed changes in your face over time, as your skin loses elasticity – as well as bringing attention to your ears or nose, you may notice lost volume in your cheeks, thinner lips or a looser jawline. There may be other procedures you can consider to achieve more balance in your face.

To find out if rhinoplasty or ear reshaping is right for you, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today. You can also ask about other treatments, and find out the best way to achieve the results you desire.

Facial surgeries for men

The number of men choosing to go under the knife in a bid to improve their appearance has drastically increased in recent years. While there is an abundance of procedures that are proving popular with men, facial surgery is seeing a particular increase. Here, we will look at some of the most common cosmetic facial surgeries for men.

Chin Augmentation

One type of facial surgery that is surging in popularity amongst men is chin augmentation. This cosmetic procedure aims to improve the appearance and profile of the face by changing its shape and definition.

The procedure involves using implants or fillers to achieve additional volume in the chin. Another option is to undergo chin surgery. This aims to alter the alignment or position of the chin, rather than increase its volume.


Rhinoplasty is another procedure proving popular with men right now. It can be carried out alongside chin augmentation for improved results.

A rhinoplasty procedure aims to alter the size or shape of the nose. There are a lot of different methods that can be used depending upon the desired result. This can involve altering the cartilage, bone, or tissues within the nose.

Undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure can drastically improve your appearance. However, it is a complex procedure so you should talk to Mr Horlock about the results you can expect to achieve.

Eyelid Lift

An eyelid lift, otherwise known as Blepharoplasty, can deliver surprising results. Aiming to remove excess fat and skin from the eye area, this popular procedure can help to create a more youthful appearance.

Sagging skin around the eye area not only makes you appear older but can also reduce your line of vision. Work is typically carried out on the upper eyelid, though in some cases you may need the upper and lower lid altered.

A Full Facelift

If you are looking for a drastic result, a full facelift could be the ideal option. Also known as Rhytidectomy, a facelift aims to pull back and lift the skin to create a youthful appearance.

Sagging skin is removed from the face and neck area under general anaesthetic. The procedure is quite extensive, and it takes around 2-3 hours to complete. It may involve repositioning fat and tissue within the face, and bandages need to be worn to protect the face after the procedure.

Although there has been an increase in popularity in these facial surgeries for men, they do all come with their own set of complications and risks. Therefore, it is important to undergo a consultation with a specialist surgeon to determine whether your chosen procedure is right for you.

There are a lot of different procedures you can undergo to improve your facial features. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock to discover which treatment is right for you.

breast reduction with a breast lift

When it comes to altering the size and shape of the breasts, there are several treatments available. While breast augmentation to increase the size of the breasts was once the most common procedure carried out, today it has switched to a breast reduction.

Reducing the size of the breasts can deliver a lot of benefits, including reduced back pain and a boost in confidence. If you are considering undergoing a breast reduction, you may want to consider combining it with a breast lift.

Here, we will look at what each procedure involves and why they are often carried out together.

What is a breast reduction?

A breast reduction procedure involves removing excess skin, fat, and tissue in the breasts. How much tissue is removed will depend upon the goal of the patient.

It is carried out under general anaesthetic, taking from 2 to 3 hours to complete. The nipples are moved to a different position, and the remaining tissue is reshaped to provide the most natural-looking results.

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift procedure aims to correct sagging breasts. If the nipple is located beneath the chest bone, a breast lift can help lift them up to a more natural position.

During the procedure, excess skin from the lower breasts and around the nipple is removed. Depending upon desired results, a nipple correction can also be performed when the nipple is reduced in size and moved further up. The result is firmer, perkier and natural-looking breasts.

The benefits of them – together

Although, as you can see above, both procedures aim to do a slightly different thing. However, many patients undergo both a breast reduction and a breast lift at the same time. A breast reduction can alter the size and shape of the breasts, but it doesn’t provide a significant lift. Likewise, a breast lift will elevate the breasts, but it won’t alter the size dramatically. So, undergoing both procedures can help to enhance the overall results.

Both procedures can also be great at reducing back and neck pain. Those with larger breasts often complain of aches and pains caused by the excess weight. Having a breast reduction with a breast lift can help to improve posture, correcting any pain felt.

While combining the two procedures can be an excellent choice for patients, it may not be suitable for everyone. During a consultation, you will find out if you are an ideal candidate and what to expect from both procedures.

If you are interested in undergoing a breast reduction, a breast lift, or a combination of a breast reduction with a breast lift, book a consultation with Mr Horlock today.

facelift recovery

A facelift is a highly effective, yet major cosmetic surgery. Knowing what to expect from the recovery period before you embark on this procedure is important.

Here, you will discover what to expect during each week of your facelift recovery. Keep in mind that these are only general guidelines, and exact timings will vary between patients.

What to expect in the first week of your facelift recovery

You will usually return home immediately after the procedure. Your face will be protected by dressings which will need to be left alone until your one-week check-up.

It isn’t unusual to experience some level of discomfort during the first week of your recovery. This can typically be managed with prescribed, or over the counter painkillers. Mr Horlock will provide advice on how to stay comfortable throughout your recovery before you return home.

It is important to get as much rest as you can during this period. This will allow the body to recover quickly.

What to expect in week two

In week two, you should start to feel any pain and discomfort subsiding. You will be able to return to light daily activities, though some bruising and swelling may remain. Some patients report experiencing tightness, numbness, and tingling throughout week two. This is completely normal, and it will reside by itself.

What to expect in weeks three and four

By week three, you should be feeling much more like yourself. If your sutures weren’t removed in weeks one to two, they will be removed now. Some patients still experience a little tightness and swelling at this stage. However, you will also start to see significant differences in the contour of the face. The incision site may still be a little pink in colour, but it will fade with time.

What to expect after one month of your facelift recovery

After a month, you will be able to return to normal activities. This includes more vigorous exercise in week six. While you will see significant results by now, it can take up to a year for some bruising and swelling to completely disappear. However, the good news is this is minor enough that it will only be noticed by you.

These are rough guidelines as to what to expect when you undergo a facelift. Each patient’s recovery is completely different to the next. The extent of the work carried out and whether you combined it with another procedure, will determine how long the recovery will take.

Mr Horlock will provide full aftercare and recovery instructions to help maximise results. Book a consultation today to learn more about facelift recovery and what to expect.

tummy tuck procedure

If you are struggling to achieve a flat stomach through diet and exercise alone, a tummy tuck could be the answer. This popular procedure delivers a lot of benefits, helping to boost confidence and quality of life.

While a tummy tuck can provide excellent results, it isn’t necessarily right for everyone. Here, you’ll discover more about the tummy tuck procedure and whether you are an ideal candidate.

What is a tummy tuck procedure?

A tummy tuck is medically known as an abdominoplasty. It helps to remove excess skin and fat within the abdomen. This results in a flatter, smoother stomach.

The procedure is quite invasive, which means it will require lengthy downtime. However, it offers a great range of benefits including boosting confidence, restoring the figure after weight loss, and improving posture. A tummy tuck is often carried out alongside liposuction for best results.

Are you an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck procedure?

Before booking yourself in for a tummy tuck, you’ll need to know if you are an ideal candidate. The procedure is typically ideal if:

  • You want to eliminate excess skin
  • Your general health is good
  • You don’t smoke
  • You only need to lose a little fat

Excess skin can be a real problem when you lose a lot of weight. Instead of being able to enjoy your new slim figure, you now need to cover up loose-hanging skin. A tummy tuck can help to eliminate excess skin from the abdomen, leaving behind a flat, toned appearance.

Like with any surgery, you will need to be generally healthy to undergo the procedure. This is down to the risks of the procedure. The healthier you are, the fewer risks and complications you’ll be exposed to.

Other considerations before undergoing a tummy tuck

There have been a lot of studies that have shown the negative impact smoking has on things like wound healing. Smokers are at a greater risk of experiencing complications. If the wound doesn’t heal correctly, it could become infected. This in turn can impact the results of the procedure.

A common misconception about a tummy tuck is that it can help you to shed a lot of excess fat. The truth is, it is there to contour the abdomen, rather than act as a weight loss procedure. If you are obese, a tummy tuck isn’t going to give you the results you are looking for. So, make sure you are near your ideal weight before considering this procedure.

These are some of the general guidelines you should follow when deciding whether you are an ideal candidate. Of course, the best way to establish if a tummy tuck procedure is right for you is to talk it through with an experienced surgeon. Book a consultation with Mr Horlock today to discover if you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck.