Tummy tucks remain one of the most common surgical procedures carried out on patients across the globe. However, if you’ve been pregnant, or if you’re planning on getting pregnant, it’s important to understand how it can affect the results of the procedure.
Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about pregnancy planning and the tummy tuck.
Pregnancy known to alter abdominal muscles
Pregnancy is known to cause changes within the abdominal muscles. In a recent study, it was discovered that women who have undergone multiple pregnancies experience a widening as well as thinning of the abdominal muscles.
Published within the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal in August, the results of the study show this could be a reason behind patient dissatisfaction after a tummy tuck procedure. It also revealed a new potential technique which could be used to correct the changes within the muscles prior to a tummy tuck.
The researchers from the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago looked at CT scans from 60 women. They were split into four different groups based on how many pregnancies they’d gone through.
It was revealed that it’s the first pregnancy which causes the widening of the muscles. Multiple pregnancies didn’t appear to widen the muscles further. Childbirth is also responsible for the changes. This widening and thinning of the muscles is referred to as rectus diastasis and it can make it difficult for women to regain core muscle strength after they’ve been pregnant.
Will pregnancy after a tummy tuck affect the results?
The majority of studies look into how previous pregnancies can impact tummy tuck results. So, what if you get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
Unsurprisingly, getting pregnant after having a tummy tuck procedure can impact the results. This is because the skin stretches significantly and there’s weight gain around the abdomen. After giving birth, many women find the results of the tummy tuck have been lost or negatively impacted. There’s also still the risk the muscles could alter in shape and size, causing permanent unflattering results.
For this reason, it’s recommended patients only undergo a tummy tuck once they’ve finished having children. Otherwise, the procedure may need to be carried out again if you want to regain the results after pregnancy.
Does a tummy tuck impact your chances of getting pregnant?
Although a tummy tuck can be impacted by pregnancy, it won’t affect your chances of getting pregnant. Many women are concerned that if they have a tummy tuck procedure, it will lead to issues conceiving. However, it shouldn’t impact your ability to get pregnant at all.
If you’re thinking of undergoing a tummy tuck procedure, it is recommended you wait until you’ve finished having children. If you’ve experienced a widening of the muscles through previous pregnancies, this may need to be corrected before a tummy tuck can be performed.
Book a consultation today with body contouring plastic surgeon Mr Nigel Horlock to learn more about undergoing a tummy tuck procedure after pregnancy.