New figures have recently been released in the US, highlighting the most popular cosmetic procedures of 2018. While the majority of surgical procedures focused on the body, there were a couple of facial procedures which made it to the top five.
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift surgery, came in at number three, with a staggering 206,529 procedures carried out. Although this is a 1% decrease from the year before, it shows just how popular the procedure still is.
What is blepharoplasty surgery and what are its benefits?
Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery used to enhance the appearance of the eyelids. It can be carried out on the upper, lower, or both eyelids. It can be used to simply alter the cosmetic appearance of the eyelids, or to improve functionality.
The surgery can be used to correct a number of issues, including loose or sagging skin, dropping lower eyelids, fatty deposits which result in puffiness underneath the eyes, and for excess skin or wrinkles in the lower eyelid.
It’s common for the eyelids to sag with age as the skin loses its elasticity. Generally speaking, surgery on the upper eyelids can help you to appear more youthful as well as improve vision, while surgery on the lower eyelids can reduce puffiness and wrinkles.
Understanding eyelid lift surgery
Blepharoplasty surgery can be carried out under either general or local anaesthetic. Cuts will usually be made along the natural line of the eyelids. Then, the surgeon will remove excess skin, sagging muscle and extra fat if required. Afterwards, the skin will be stitched up. It’s a fairly straightforward procedure, though it is recommended you choose a surgeon who has extensive experience in this type of surgery.
Choosing the right surgeon will ensure you experience the best results and reduce the risks and complications associated with the procedure.
The risks and complications
Like any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications of blepharoplasty that you need to be aware of. Scarring is one of the leading concerns, although most will fade within 12 to 18 months after the surgery. There is the risk that instead of fading, the scarring could become thicker, painful or red and additional surgery may be required to correct it.
Other risks and complications include:
- Bleeding
- Swelling, pain and bruising
- Infection
- Healing troubles
Mr Nigel Horlock will run through all of the risks and complications involved during your consultation. In order to reduce these risks, patients should only undergo the procedure when they are generally healthy.
Is there an alternative option?
As there are a lot of different cosmetic surgery procedures available these days, there may be an alternative option to blepharoplasty. For example, if the eyebrows and forehead are sagging, it could make the eyelids appear as though they are sagging too. In this instance, a brow lift would resolve the problem.
So, before opting for a blepharoplasty procedure, patients are advised to undergo a consultation to determine exactly which type of procedure would prove most beneficial. Why not call us today to book a consultation and discover the best course of treatment to fit your requirements?